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This is how Ana de Armas celebrated her birthday in Havana

This is how Ana de Armas celebrated her birthday in Havana

Ana de Armas It was his birthday this Sunday, New Return to the Sun that It is celebrated in style in Havana Surrounded by friends, loved ones, and lavish entertainers.

The Hollywood star’s 35th birthday was accompanied by lots of fun, good music and good sauce.

At the El Cocinero Restaurant in Havana, Ana had a wonderful time with her friends Claudia Moma, Tahime Alvarinho, the daughter of the latter, María Fernanda, Carlos Alberto Cremata and his family.

Snap Instagram / Maria Carla Cremata

Cremata’s youngest daughter, María Carla, posted several photos and videos from the evening on her Instagram stories and featured Ana de Armas dancing salsa.

Snap Instagram / Maria Carla Cremata

In addition to the fun, there was no shortage of cake, flowers, and sparklers for singing Happy Birthday and even “Bombo Chi” in the chorus.

Isaac Delgado and Alan Perez were two of the night’s hosts and responsible for setting the pace for the party, although Carlos Varela and David Torrence were also singing for the crowd in attendance.

Snap Instagram / Maria Carla Cremata

The artist took the stage and undressed, dancing “If Children Love Ugly Children” by Isaac Delgado with Claudia Alvarino.

Also featured in the photos are Marlon Bejan, actor of “Vivir del Cuento”, Denys Alejandro Ramos Antúnez and Claudia Valdés, who have traveled to Cuba these days.

Snap Instagram / Maria Carla Cremata

Ana de Armas arrived in Cuba Last Wednesday with her boyfriend Paul Boukadakis, and despite her few posts on Instagram, her friend Claudia Moma posted photos and videos of You’re welcometouring Streets of Old Havanaand enjoy gastronomic centers in the capital and its regions Reunion with Tahimi Alvariño.

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Anna’s journey was not without criticism, especially after it Visit La Colmenita de Cubaa children’s theater company directed by Carlos Alberto Cremata that has served on countless occasions as political propaganda for the ruling elite, and To Spanish chef Miguel Angel JimenezProgram creator shefarandula It is highly regarded by Les Cuesta.

It was the residence of the actress He grilled hard on social media Above all because the difficult situation in Cuba has not been publicly stated, in addition to the fact that it has not been seen in family contexts but in places that Cubans do not usually visit when they go to the island on vacation.