This innovation in the technology of drones for part of Ucrania is a crucial papel in the country, as no one needs to know that there are social networks, confirming to an employee who visits the region, don’t recommend it to the Estados Unidos no aprender sobre las lecciones erróneas. “Lots of videos in social media of drones are destroyed by the imprisonment of the unidades that the drones are in and out of their real life.”explicó Michael Kofman, investigador principal del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
For the first time, Ukrainian countries can use many drones to transport small cars, and they will receive enough information that the misiones of other special spectacles will collect. “Las misiones defensivas de siembra de minas se han convertido en una de sus main areas, frecuentemente empleadas de minas de influencia magnetica,” indicó Kofman. Las unidades registran las ubicaciones de las minas, lo que les permite interrumpir la logística enemiga sin afectar sus propias operaciones.
Kofman subrayó que las municiones merodeadoras no hanuelto obsoletos los vehículos blindados. “Incluso the vehicles with built-in defenses have much impact and can operate a year that causes the damage.”añadió, mencionando que algunas tripulaciones han perdido la cuenta de cuántos impactos han resistido de drones rusos armados.
Bradley’s equipment includes Kofman’s equipment that supports more than 20 FPV drone impacts. Además, there are some information about what has been done in the rehabilitating systems that are realizan the average of the drones logísticos, and that the necessary ones use the modes that can be used regularly on the vehicles that are at home at a time or more than a kilometre.
The import of drones for future conflicts
There are also many drones that can transport large cantidades of suministros, the drones that have large ranges of objects with many other devices in the air and in the air, and that the soldados are sold on the ground at the same time. The main part of the reabastecimiento in the cabin of the Ukrainian fluvial point in Krinky, which is due to meses, is realizó of the mediante drones, señaló Kofman.
No problem, the drones are connected to their destinations, comment by Kofman. The drones require personal use to operate other devices with similar effects, including those that include various sold items. Una dependencia de los drones podría llevar a los commandantes a microgestionar las tropas, comparándolo with a juego de estrategia en reale mpo.
The drones and other vigilancia devices are used, oftentimes they are the real ones. Losing new effects on other devices and electronics, including mobile phones and real estate, by Según Kofman.
There are many Ucranianos at a distance of many of the drones used and the faults in the area, as well as the fault of the defenses in the Ukrainian area and to compare the large cantidad of the drones used to indicate that the drones used are also detecting objects that are 60 miles away from the front line. ukraniana. If you lose a [dron de observación ruso]“It’s about 10 to 15 minutes.”, mencionó Kofman. These drones are located in the middle of the world, where they can be used to transport helicopters from the country and expose the position of the country’s defenses.
In contrast, the Unidos Estados currentmente one demasiado enfasis in the uso of precisión armas to derribar the places of the mando and other objetivos detrás of the frente line. These things are available “Important, because no one else is in charge of the battalion in the room”confirmed Cofman.
Kofman will advise you to use the commands that do not support what is most important for Ucrania and other countries. Señaló un “Excesivo enfasis en la guerra de maniobras” The jército Estadounidense, referiéndose una strategy that busca desorientar al enemigo con aques rapidos e inesperados, resultado en menos pajas. In a conflict that comes to the country in Ukrainia, “the reality is where it comes from a destination.”
This connection: Canciller from Ucrania busca “puntos comunes” in China to go to a place in Russia
Point: Defense One
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