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They reveal the phrase that Pique would have ended with Shakira

They reveal the phrase that Pique would have ended with Shakira

  • The separation between Shakira and Pique was very Media.
  • Photographers Jordi Martin revealed the phrase that Pique will end up with Shakira.
  • After that, the couple made official their separation through a statement.

Nearly 3 months after announcing their sudden separation, new details are emerging about the split between Pique and Shakira after 12 years of relationship.

Paparazzi Jordi Martin, who revealed many details about what happened with the couple, has now revealed the phrase with which Pique could have ended his relationship with the Colombian.

“I’m confused and need time,” were the Barcelona footballer’s words to tell Shakira that they won’t be together anymore.

Pique would have finished Shakira with a strange phrase

For her part, the Colombian was going to take it all very calmly because she hoped to settle down with him, to which she would reply, “Calm down, I’m going to the US for 17 days to sign up.”

Pique would have finished Shakira with a strange phrase

However, Pique was already in a relationship with young Clara Shea Marti and it was finally on June 4 when Pique and Shakira announced their separation.

“We regret to confirm that we are parting. For the welfare of our children, who are our top priority, we ask that privacy be respected. Thank you for your understanding,” the former partner said.

Pique would have finished Shakira with a strange phrase
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