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They have made claims to stop the Malaga Principles by appreciating the similarities with the Science Park

They have made claims to stop the Malaga Principles by appreciating the similarities with the Science Park

The Society of Friends of the Science Park has made a set of claims to try to stop the establishment of the Andalusian Institute for the Educational Publishing of Sciences (Principia) in Malaga by deeming that the Council had designed “Inappropriate version” of Science Park From Granada.

The president of the association, Elvira Martín, signs off on the claims that were formally presented before the council, which planned the center and is based in Malaga and with Matching goals Along with those in the park, it is the most visited science museum in the country.

These allegations, which seek to prevent the Board of Directors from opening a “version” of the Science Park in Malaga, affect the replication of projects, an allegation that reiterates that the Board of Directors project entrusts Principia with the task The same functions assigned to him Since its inception, the Science Park.

“We didn't just do that Understanding that duality, Nor why would the same ministry establish a center at the expense of another center, which, in the words of the owner himself, is a national and international reference.”

Friends of the park also claimed that The draft decree establishing the principles indicates that there is no “coincidence.” functions and attributes” with other spaces, which they considered clearly uncertain because the goals of the two spaces were exactly the same.

In response to these two allegations, the association added a third allegation that focused on waste and inefficiency in spending through duplication and inappropriateness of functions, and added other allegations in it. They consider the project inappropriateoy in which they condemn the blackout, among other arguments for rejecting the planned center in Malaga.

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They are collecting signatures against the “version” of the Granada Science Park expected in Malaga

Likewise, the Friends of Science Park began collecting signatures on Change.org on March 12 to attempt to collect signatures on Change.org on March 12.Assemble the draft board Establishing the Andalusian Institute for the Educational Publishing of Sciences in Malaga, explaining that it will be a A kind of “copy” of the Granada Museum.

The association was interpreted as a An insult to the city A project of the Granada Junta, they have already achieved more than 1,600 supports for the open issue on Change.org since its launch on Monday, according to platform data.

Collect signatures Add the statement issued by the same association A week ago to denounce the attack on the Granada Museum, the country's most visited science museum, to propose building a similar space in the neighboring city of Malaga.