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They have captured unprecedented images of the Ring Nebula

They have captured unprecedented images of the Ring Nebula

The James Webb Space Telescope has provided images with unprecedented resolution of one of the most remarkable space objects in our sky, the Ring Nebula, formed from the remnants of a decaying star shedding its outer layers as it ran out of fuel.

The Ring Nebula (also known as M57 and NGC 6720) gets its name from its distorted, circular shape, is relatively close to Earth, about 2,500 light-years away, and It can be seen on summer nights in the northern hemisphere using medium-sized telescopes..

New images provided by the James Webb Telescope (NASA/ESA/CSA) provide a Spatial resolution and spectral sensitivity never before seenwhich allowed us to observe the intricate details of the filamentous structure of the inner ring, or to better understand the outer regions of the ring, where about ten concentric arcs can be seen.

In the images, one of the poles of this structure is visible almost squarely, like a kind of barrel of brightly colored material extending out from the ground.

despite of The center of the donut may look empty, but it is actually filled with less dense material that is diffusing and retracting at the same timewhich creates a shape similar to that of a balloon embedded in the central hole of the donut, ESA explains in a statement.

he The colorful main ring consists of gas ejected from the dying star in the nebula’s center.; A star about to become a white dwarf, a very small, dense and hot object that forms the final evolutionary stage for a star of the same type as the Sun.

The Ring Nebula becomes a kind of space artifact for astronomers, because it will allow us to learn more details about the original star that created it when it decayed.

This space object was discovered in 1779 by astronomers Antoine Darquier de Bailepoix and Charles Messier, who stumbled upon it while trying to trace the path of a comet through the constellation Lyra, passing near the Ring Nebula.