East Africa News Post

Complete News World

Presentan querella en Procuraduría contra Montalvo, Peralta y Guerrero

They filed a complaint with the Prosecutor against Montalvo, Peralta and Guerrero

Yesterday, Myriam Germain Brito seized a complaint against the former Minister of the Presidency of the Republic, Gustavo Montalvo. Presidential Administrative Officer Jose Ramon Peralta and Treasury Donald Guerrero due to allegations of administrative corruption, embezzlement, and fraud.

The complaint was filed by Senator Antonio Martí, representative of the National Transport Union (CONTRA), and Mario Diaz of the National Federation of Social Transport Workers (Fenattransc), through their attorneys Fredermedo Ferreras Diaz and Carlos Manuel Table.

For example, former ministers in the government of former President Danilo Medina were accused of being responsible for the disappearance of more than 17 billion pesos from the transport sector.

The complaint asserts that Montalvo, Peralta, and Guerrero diverted the resources identified by Law 253-12 to replace the country’s fleet of vehicles for the transportation of passengers and goods, thus violating Articles 122, 123, 124, 405, 408, 265, 266, 267 of the Penal Code.

Criminal liability
“There is a coalition of public officials who joined forces and gathered to distract the public money that the National Institute of Traffic and Road Transport (Intrant) had to deal with, in coordination with the transport companies and unions that had taken irreparable damage.”, The complaint argues.

In this case, they ask the Public Prosecution office to determine the corresponding responsibilities and to criminally prosecute those responsible for intentional and fraudulent acts of corruption.