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UNLPam: Convocan a cubrir cargos interinos en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas

They are calling for temporary positions at the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences – infopico.com

The School of Economic and Legal Sciences informs that from May 31 to June 4, 2021, registration will be open to calls for selection of backgrounds to cover temporary positions in the career of a university technician in tax accounting.

One (1) position will be filled for a temporary assistant professor with one devotion and one (1) position for a temporary head of business with one dedication on the topic of Professional Practice Workshop.

Pursuant to the decision, uploading a CV through the CVar application will be a condition of applicants’ registration.

With attention to the context generated by the COVID19 pandemic, the UNLPam Supreme Council approved a specific procedure approved by Resolution No. 118/20 s / Regulation’s Supplementary Guidelines for Selecting Applicants for Temporary Teaching Positions.


Applicants must register via the following email: [email protected]

For inquiries go to the mail: [email protected]

Training program for students and / or recent graduates.

The College of Economic and Legal Sciences will meet from May 31 to June 4, 2021 to register as part of the “Training Program for Students and Fresh Graduates”.

One (1) student will be registered in the “Criminal Procedure Law” course of the law degree (Decision No. 193/21 of the Dean) and two (2) graduates in the topic “Tax 1” and “Tax 2” from the profession of the public accountant (Dean’s Decision No. 194 / 21).

To join this program, applicants must fulfill the following conditions (Resolution No. 257/19 JD):

Students: a) To be regular in the profession of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences to which the subject in which they will develop their training activities belongs, in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 bis of the statute; Students from the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences positions who fulfill the requirements set by the applicant can join this program, which must take into account the affinity of the subjects approved by the applicants with the person who will integrate them.

B) He must have approved 40% of the subjects corresponding to the current study plan for the degree in which he is enrolled

Fresh graduates a) Being graduates of La Pampa National University from a profession to which the subject belongs, graduates of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Legal positions who meet the specified requirements may join this applicant program, which must take into account the convergence of the subjects approved by the applicants who will be integrated with her. B) That from the date of graduation to the closing date of registration in the program, no more than five (5) years have passed.

With attention to the context created by the COVID19 pandemic, almost all applicants must register, in the aforementioned period,.

Applicants must register through the following email

[email protected]

For inquiries go to the mail: [email protected]

The student must submit the CV and registration form via email (it is available on the college page www.eco.unlpam.edu.arA copy or scan of the student’s regular and analytical certificate.

Graduates must attach their CV and registration form via email (it is available on the college page www.eco.unlpam.edu.arA copy or scan of the university degree or proof of university degree being processed.