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These are the official and authorized resellers of Apple

These are the official and authorized resellers of Apple

To buy an Apple product we can do it both through the official website and through physical stores. But if you do not have an Apple Store in your city and you want to buy the product from an official store or a store authorized by the brand, we will explain in this post the types of Distribution channels available to Apple.

Not all official stores are the Apple Store

Currently, in Spain, Apple has eleven Stores officers. These are located in the following cities: Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Murcia, Malaga, Valencia, Valladolid and Zaragoza. However, if we want to buy an iPhone or Mac from a physical store, and we don’t have an Apple Store nearby, we probably have an Apple Store or an authorized store near you.

That is, although it seems otherwise, not all official Apple Stores are Apple Stores. These are organizations where all we will see are branded products and services. In addition to being unique stores, in the sense that there are no other companies or stores of other brands that sell their own products within the Apple Store.

Apple Store in Barcelona

However, here comes a name that might sound a little strange at first: Apple Store. Yes, it exists and is an official Apple Store template. If Apple Stores are stores dedicated exclusively to the brand, then Apple Stores are Apple Stores, but located inside other organizations. In addition, Apple Stores are designed and managed by Apple itself, in the same way that workers are from Apple.

In what kind of establishment can we find the Apple Store? One of the most common cases is shopping malls and department stores. Cases like Fnac, where there is a whole section dedicated to technology, inside of which there is a file A space dedicated to Apple products and services. We are talking about an Apple Store that is different from other brands, as they have their own design space.

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Thus, Apple controls (directly) two types of organizations in Spain. In this way, even if we do not have an Apple Store near us, we will have the alternative of going to the official Apple Store, although it is located in another establishment.

Apple Premium resellers

If the Apple Store is 100% dedicated and controlled by Apple, then the Apple Premium Reseller is an organization authorized by the prestige brand. On the one hand, because they sell the same products that are sold in the official Apple Store. On the one hand, because it meets Apple’s standards in terms of customer service and knowledge of the brand’s products, services, and ecosystem in general.

Premium Apple Reseller

These stores, although 100% dedicated to selling Apple products and services, It is not directly controlled by the brand. However, although they are not official in the sense that they are “yours”, they are authorized establishments and have your support. If you live in a city where you don’t have an Apple Store nearby, then going for Premium Reseller is one of the best options to buy. Any Apple product in a physical store.