Despite the urgency and tight deadlines, several Andalusian universities have already submitted their proposals for new degrees for the coming years. In the already well-known initiatives, the commitment of Andalusian public institutions in the field of IT and technology stands out as a growth area for university studies in the coming years.
the University of Granada At its last Board of Directors in 2023, it approved the university programming proposal for the three-year period from 2025 to 2028. Among UGR's proposals is the option of augmenting its degrees, currently around a hundred, with new degrees. Thus, the University of Granada wants to apply data science and artificial intelligence in collaboration with the University of Huelva. This degree will be acquired at two campuses of the University of Granada and Melilla.
This title will be added to the increase in places planned at ETSIIT in Granada. I already got approval to join another group in computer engineering. After the setback suffered by the Academic and University Quality Agency of Andalusia (ACCUA), it will again request an extension in the field of communications. To accommodate this growth, the process of expanding the school at the Inadamar campus has already begun.
The University of Granada is not the only one that wants to grow in this aspect, through data science and artificial intelligence. Other Andalusian public universities also aspire to implement their own technology-related degrees. This is the situation Pablo de Olavidewhich has already informed the board of its interest in adding a degree in data science and engineering.
In the HisbalanceFor its part, there is no plan for a new certificate for the next academic year 2024/2025, but a computer engineering and artificial intelligence certificate has been requested for the academic year 2025/2026. “The Artificial Intelligence program will provide students with a solid theoretical and practical foundation in advanced algorithms, machine learning, natural language processing and other disciplines crucial to the development of intelligent systems,” the statement from the University of Seville read. .
In addition to artificial intelligence, in the 2027/2028 academic year, Hispalense aims to teach a degree in computer engineering and cybersecurity.
UGR, UPO and Hispalense are accompanied by University of Cordoba In his request submitted to the Council. UCO has also announced its intention to teach a new degree in Data Science and Engineering in the 2028/2029 academic year.
For its part, Cádiz indicated its desire to increase its training offer, but it has now launched itself in other strategic lines. Therefore, the new degree proposal submitted by the University of Cádiz, which will be submitted for consideration by the Andalusian Junta to form, where appropriate, part of the degree map of the Autonomous Andalusian Community, provides for degrees in Renewable Energy Engineering, Logistics and Intelligent Transport and a Certificate in Sustainable Blue Economy.
the University of Malaga (UMA), who has just completed the rector election process, plans to pursue three professional training degrees in social integration, marketing and advertising, and international trade next year. UMA already has degrees that other universities aspire to, such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
Back at the University of Granada, in addition to the request for the new degree in Data Science, the Board of Directors was asked to offer degrees in Spanish Industries and Cultures, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Energy Engineering, and Podiatry. This last title, if granted, will be taught in Melilla, within the strategy developed by the Council, the autonomous city and the Union of the Republic itself to promote Melilla as a university city.
In addition to these new degrees – five, four of which will be taught in Granada and the fifth, podiatry, in Melilla – four other degrees are scheduled to be replaced: Environmental Sciences, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Construction and Optometry and Optometry.
The Dean of the University of Granada, Pedro Mercado, expressed his disagreement with how the measure was implemented at a faculty session held last December. He pointed out before the monasteries that “there are important reasons for expressing discontent.” Mercado criticized the “speed” of the procedure and noted that it is “an issue that universities must confront with calm and discussion.”
Despite everything — the board wants to have the new grade map in the spring — the University of Granada “made an effort to put forward a tentative proposal,” Mercado noted at the college. The university president explained how the decree regulating university education in Andalusia is progressing: “This has forced us into an accelerated process.”
However, UGR has already launched its initiatives and five more university degrees, in the case of those related to technology, have other universities aspiring. The university's administration, research and innovation had previously announced that it would study expanding places in technological university education in order to “prepare Andalusia for the global changes entailed by the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” as stated in a statement. To evaluate the feasibility of increasing the number of places in technological degrees, the university administration will ask rectors in advance to study the economic cost that such a measure would entail. UGR has requested more places in communications and IT, with two new groups being created. It is only approved for increasing positions in IT.
The applications submitted by the different universities are in line with the regulations adopted in June. The decree regulating university education aims to “redirect the current academic map towards an offer that allows for greater quality, rationality and effectiveness of university higher education,” according to the council. This legal document sets out planning for a four-year period, reviewable every two years, and regulates new modalities for dual degrees and Masters, successive pathways for qualified degrees, Masters and open-track degrees, as well as joint pathways (dual degrees and Masters). .
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