It has always been said that sleeping well is one of the most important things Key ingredients for good health And a good quality of life. But what happens when we can’t get a good rest despite sleeping for long hours? According to a study published Wednesday in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, People who report poor sleep quality They are also to blame Worst healthAnd Well-being and happiness in general, satisfaction with life.
Research analyzes more than 5,000 surveys conducted by researchers from Charles University in Prague between 2018 and 2020. Through these questionnaires, scientists asked people about their sleep patterns (such as the quantity and quality of hours, as well as the possibility of “jet lag”) and for Different criteria for health and personal satisfaction (eg subjective levels of happiness and well-being). From there, the experts crossed the data to see if there was any kind of relationship between sleep and well-being.
“Better sleep means a better quality of life”
The analysis revealed that one of the factors influencing people’s subjective well-being is sleep quality (rather than the number of hours rested or the resting time itself). “Better sleep means a better quality of life. While it is important when we sleep and how long we sleep, people who have it Better sleep They also have a better quality of life. Regardless of the time and duration of sleepexperts highlight in an analysis published Wednesday.
The study did not find a connection between what is known as Sleeping “jet lag” (or “social jetlag”) and Quality indicators life. That is, those people who, because of their work or routine, have had to rest at unusual hours (such as during the day or at dawn). Indicators of well-being did not present the worst Or the health of those who sleep at more traditional hours. Nor was there a clear relationship between these criteria and work stress Therefore, according to the researchers, people can adapt to any sleep routine as long as they can rest well.
Sleep problems
This is not the first time a study has indicated Problems caused by lack of sleep. In fact, there are hundreds of studies and analyzes published on this topic. Long-term poor sleep, as well as poor quality of rest, has been associated with A Increased risk of obesityAnd Diabetes or cardiovascular disease. It is also directly linked to mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. The deficit leads the rest Problems with attention, concentration and memory So, in addition to that, it is also associated with poor work and academic performance.
Lack of sleep causes health problems and social isolation
Lack of sleep also causes social problems. According to a study in Nature Communication, for example, Lack of rest hours causes social isolation. The fewer hours you sleep, The less you want to interact socially. In contrast, if you don’t sleep around, others see you as more socially disgusting, which makes it even more serious The effect of social isolation related to sleep loss,” the research highlights.
In Spain, according to data from the Spanish Neurological Society at least Twelve million people Pretending to wake up tired or with a headache Feeling uncomfortable. Moreover, it is estimated that at least Four million people Suffer from insomnia or a chronic sleep disorder such as circadian rhythm disorders, restless legs syndrome, parasomnia or narcolepsy.

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