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The United States once again called on Maduro to allow all candidates to participate in the elections in Venezuela

The United States once again called on Maduro to allow all candidates to participate in the elections in Venezuela

United State This Wednesday, the dictator of Venezuela insisted, Nicolas MaduroIn what Allow sharing In the July 28 elections All opposition candidates Who wants that?

administration Joe Biden Thus, it reiterated its position on excluding the main opposition candidate, Maria Corina MachadoAnd the impossibility of forming a “unitary democratic platform” (PUD) for academic registration Corinna Uris As an alternative.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed in a statement:Deep anxiety“By decision of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela to”Preventing democratic opposition parties from registering their candidates“For the next elections.

“The National Electoral Commission’s acceptance of only opposition candidates with whom Maduro and his representatives feel comfortable is inconsistent with competitive and inclusive elections,” the State Department spokesperson warned. Matthew Miller.

The spokesman called on the Maduro regime to allow the access of international observers, end the imprisonment of opponents and members of civil society, allow the participation of all candidates running, and release “all political prisoners.”

Maria Corinna Machado with Corinna Llores (Reuters/Gaby Ora)

We remain united with the international community to demand that Maduro allow Venezuelans to participate in free and fair elections.. “As we have made clear, actions that contravene the spirit of the Barbados Agreement will have consequences.”

United State The sanctions were eased at the end of last year Regarding Venezuela on one condition Barbados Convention Between Chavismo and the opposition that sets a road map for holding democratic elections.

Given the difficulties faced by the opposition program in nominating a candidate, the governments of Brazil and Colombia, allies of the Venezuelan, expressed their concern on Tuesday about what happened.

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The PUD reported on Tuesday that it had managed to temporarily register Edmundo González Urrutia, who may be replaced as of April 1, as long as he does not face any administrative penalty or impediment.

(With information from EFE)