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The United States deports a Cuban immigrant with I-220B and must leave his wife and daughter behind.

The United States deports a Cuban immigrant with I-220B and must leave his wife and daughter behind.

A strange deportation incident recently involved a Cuban immigrant. The United States returned Yoan Enriquez to his country of birth along with 36 others with Form I-220B (Conditional Release). Enriquez’s particular case has gone viral because he left behind his wife and three-month-old baby. Prior to deportation, several legal appeals were made on humanitarian grounds. However, the immigrant who came to America three years ago could not be prevented from returning.

Enriquez was detained at the Broward Transit Center (BTC) after being asked in a “credible fear” interview. Another unique insight into his entire process was provided by his wife, Melissa Vera. “That’s what happened,” he told the press, adding that the trial was in English and Yohan didn’t understand many things.

Arbitrary deportation?

During the interview, Enriquez said that she was the only one feeding the house and her three-month-old baby. But it was of no avail. America did not give him the chance to see his daughter grow up. The case is neither the first nor the last amid the current immigration crisis.

The aforementioned Cuban immigrant’s wife notified the network two weeks ago Telemundo Afraid of her husband’s deportation. Enríquez presented himself as an opponent of the island’s government. “I’m very afraid for his physical integrity,” Vera said.

After a two-year hiatus, the US resumed deportation flights last April. As of October 21, 349 Cubans were deported. In November last year, Cuba accepted the return by air of migrants detained by the United States at its border with Mexico. In 2024 flights will continue with the increase in displacement.

See also  The attorney responds to Form I-220 A, Parole and Deportation