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The thousand begins.  Art and Science Festival with topics such as collective health and the art of medicine

The thousand begins. Art and Science Festival with topics such as collective health and the art of medicine

The thousand. Arts and Sciences Festival Today it started its second virtualized version, with Slogan “Limits of Medicine”In which more than 130 activities will be presented with some of the best experts from around the world to talk about science, literature, the art of medicine, collective health, cutting-edge research in physiology, as well as mental health in the 21st century.

At the opening ceremony held on the podium Culturaunam.mx/elalephAs in social networks, the Head of Coordination for Cultural Dissemination at UNAM, Jorge Volpe, indicated that video conferences, dialogue tables, workshops, podcasts, digital exhibitions, concerts and dance functions will be offered, with the participation of personalities like the world. Aaron SishanoverWinner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004; Medical Director of FemTech Clue in Berlin, Lynai Braiboy; French neurologist Lionel Debate. Mexican neuropsychiatrist Jesus Ramirez Bermudez; As well as the French anthropologist and sociologist David Lou Breton, Among other things.

“It will be a festival that will continue to make efforts to continue to be the vanguard of thought in our time, to try to understand what is happening to us much better and to look at the consequences of what has begun to be called Bozpandemia. Volpi said that the emergence of vaccines, one of the great developments of our time, allows us to peek at this new stage and see it through the lenses of medicine in all its different specialties, “adding that in its 2020 edition there were 12 million. Viewers.

For his part, the university director, Dr. Enrique GrauA year ago, they indicated that they presented to El Aleph the anxiety and uncertainty about the scope and impact of Covid-19 on our lives. “A lot has happened since then and new winds will come that we will know how to overcome and translate them into new facts and expectations. But as a national university and as a university student we have not only been able to deal with the epidemic, but also and in facing the challenge it represents, we have done our best. We have in our will and our capabilities.” .

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Read also: “In the long term, in the brain, the effects of Covid persist.”

“We knew how to adapt, maintain and transform academic and cultural offerings, and create choices that affected our lives in difficult times, and looked at the shortcomings that affected us all,” he added.

The Dean of UNAM mentioned that The weakening of the epidemic beginsIn addition to reshaping our lives and jobs, albeit slow. For this reason, he emphasized that the spaces would be restored little by little allowing us to show once again how many humans should have been saved, but that this will flourish again soon.

“The frontiers of medicine, as a central theme, bring us together in this edition. The way The Aleph will deal with medicine, science, art, and technology, reflects the importance of seeing ourselves and others, as a complete human being, with the dynamics of their best expressions. The pandemic has implications for every element that defines us as human beings. We can only understand the magnitude of the effects of the virus and the time that has passed, if we deeply visualize the relationship between the physical, biological and psychological with the social, cultural and artistic. This subtle and complex knowledge network is what should make us the rational and compassionate human beings that today’s world demands, “he said.

He also participated in the opening transmission Doctors Guadalupe Valencia (Humanities coordinator) and Tamara Martinez (Gender Equality Coordinator); Doctors William Lee (Scientific Research Coordinator), German Fajardo Dolce (Director of the Faculty of Medicine), physicians Maria Elena Medina Moura (Director of the School of Psychology), Anna Carolina Ibarra Gonzalez (Director of the Institute for Historical Research), and the Diplomat Juan Lopez Doriga Perez (Spain’s ambassador to Mexico).

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Among the activities, the “Pandemic Statistics and Prospects for Mexico” table was provided by Dr. David Kirshinobisch, Director of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Salvador Zubran, and Dr. Guillermo Dominguez, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine. The patient is in critical condition, who will talk about what is happening in the world in terms of infection and health, as well as about treatments, vaccinations, the place that Mexico occupies in the current health crisis and the essential role that the Nutrition Institute plays in the country (Wednesday 26, 8 pm).

The festival’s performance includes authors such as David Grossman, who will participate in the discussion of “The Language of Intimacy and Reform of Man,” as it addresses the power of imagination and words that help heal our wounds. , Shocks. And my tragedies (Sunday 30, 8 pm).

The festival will take place from today and end on May 30th; It will include 130 activities, including 25 dialogue tables and 14 major conferences and workshops. On Friday, May 28, 12 activities will be designated to commemorate International Day of Action for Women’s Health.