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The shooter who killed eight people at a FedEx warehouse has been identified as a “former company employee.”

The shooter who killed eight people at a FedEx warehouse has been identified as a “former company employee.”

At least eight people were killed and several others were injured in a shooting Thursday night in the Central American city of Indianapolis.
At least eight people were killed and several others were injured in a shooting Thursday night in the Central American city of Indianapolis.

The Indianapolis Police Department in the United States said this Friday that the shooter who killed eight people at a FedEx facility before committing suicide was identified as Brandon Scott Hole, 19, a former employee of the service.

Craig McCartney, director of police intelligence at Indianapolis, explained at a news conference that the identity of the attacker would not be released, with forensic co-operation, until “a positive identification” is made. The life of a shot.

In the same way, The death penalty has not yet been identified by the death penalty office. “What we usually do is wait until all the evidence has been collected. We have not yet been able to go to the scene to confirm any identification,” said Albarena McKindi, deputy director of the Marion County Coroner.

The killing took place in a facility near the city's international airport.  Except for the deceased, five people had to be hospitalized (via The Indianapolis Star AB)
The killing took place in a facility near the city’s international airport. Except for the deceased, five people had to be hospitalized (via The Indianapolis Star AB)

Area FBI Special Agent Paul Keenan noted Talking about the motivation of the invader is still “premature” He further added that “there are no threats”. Police Chief Randall Taylor referred to “significant” Sikh clerics in the area.

On Thursday (03:00 GMT Friday) at 11:00 pm local time, a gunman opened fire on an empty space in the warehouse of FedEx, a postal service located near Indianapolis Airport.

Authorities found four of the dead outside the center and four more inside, McCartney said. “When the agents arrived they found a chaotic and active crime scene, with many victims, wounded and many victims killed, and the suspect died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”, Police officer in detail.

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Through interviews with witnesses, authorities have identified it The suspect arrived at the scene in a vehicle and opened fire indiscriminately in the warehouse parking lot, then entered the premises before taking his own life. “He had no confrontation with anyone, no discussion. He started shooting blindly,” McCart said.

For his part, the mayor of the city, Democrat Joe Hoxett, signed a letter with more than 150 mayors last week, asking the Senate to consider a legislative proposal to expand the background check on gun buyers in the interstate transaction case. .

The incident is the fifth multi-accident shooting in the country in recent weeks. At a Colorado supermarket on March 22, 10 people died, causing the most casualties. Despite the epidemic of keeping many Americans at home, 2020 is the year with the highest number of fatalities from gun violence in the last two decades.

With information on AP and EFE

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