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The scientific publishing cycle “Con*Ciencias” devotes a session to optics, magic and evil

The scientific publishing cycle “Con*Ciencias” devotes a session to optics, magic and evil

Alicante. The new session of the Science Publishing Course With *Science From the University of Alicante (UA) you will have Javier Hernandez AndresFrom the University of Granada, who will present the lecture Visual perception is in the service of evilAnd with Dolores Vas Saeza professor at UA, who will talk about visual perception in the service of evil.

The father of modern magic, the Frenchman Robert Houdin, said in 1868 that “the art of magic depends on manual skill, mental dexterity, and the amazing results produced by science.” In this sense, the lecture by the professor from the University of Granada will present some examples of how magicians, throughout the history of illusion, have used some scientific principles related to optics to stimulate the imagination of the audience.

For her part, the professor from the UA Department of Optometry, Pharmacology and Anatomy will explain that not everything that is perceived corresponds to what is actually present in the scene. The brain interprets the information that reaches the visual system, and is able to modify, add or delete part of that information. It may be because it is not relevant information or simply because it does not seem relevant that the brain has to decide whether it is a necessary piece, based on similar experiences we have in our memory. To do this, Dolores de Vas Saez will present some interesting aspects about visual perception.

Fourth edition of the Con*Ciencias course In collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the UA Divulga, the Unit for Scientific Culture and Innovation (UCC+I), of the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Innovation and Scientific Publishing. Universal access to services. This course comes within the program of cultural and media activities Organized by the UA College of Science around the festival of its patron saint, San Alberto Magno.