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The scientific circle that seeks to bring marine sciences closer to Coquimbo visitors has been opened

With the aim of being a new regional standard for scientific publication, the program’s “Sharing Caleta la Ciencia” project was launched today. garbage scientists, an interactive scientific tourism circuit that, after 10 months of preparation, has managed to capture in each of its five stations the knowledge of Guayacan fishermen about the sea, as well as the scientific research born of the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN).

Department stations funded by the General Science Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and InnovationLocated in Caleta de Pescadores de Guayacán, on El Cóndor Beach, at the entrance gate of the UCN, Coquimbo’s headquarters, in the remaining area of ​​the coastal path of the same institution and in the University’s Aquarium and Museum.

Elvira Badilla, Vice President of the University Northern Catholic University The Coquimbo headquarters highlighted that “we have a lot of people working to make this project come to fruition. What we intend is to integrate the knowledge of the fishermen with our own and our scholars hope to receive the ancestral knowledge of the fishermen, which is a mutual learning process.”

Panorama for the whole family

The approximately 350-meter trail connects the stations at each end and each one includes information panels on Caleta de Guayacan history, tidal rocks, marine pollution, and more. It also has observation sites and interactive tools such as underwater cameras and bird cams.

“Today we have taken the first step for people to start enjoying and learning about marine sciences. We have included various topics related to the sea and its biodiversity, as well as many interactive elements, so that those who visit us will actively participate and be their experience,” said Valesca Guevara, general project coordinator. For all ages and locations, we hope that tourists from other regions will take the opportunity to get up close and personal with the flag this summer time.

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“For us it was very important and we are proud to be involved in this project, since artisanal fishing is not closely connected with the world of science, so it was very important for us to pass on this life experience to the youngest, who made the federation of Caleta fishermen,” commented Oscar Araya, president of the Caleta Fishermen’s Federation. de Guayacán, “We feel very important, especially with the interest they have shown us during the project.”

regional standard

The circuit will be enabled during this summer season by observers guiding the visit, and during the rest of the year, as an alternative for all visitors and also for the local community in the Coquimbo region, which is particularly distinguished by its coast.

Martin Thiel, Director of the Garbage Scientists Program stated, “This project is like going back to our roots because trash scientists started here in Coquimbo. From there we work all over Chile and most of the world. We also want to involve people with science. We will go back to the roots of doing something with the community and that It is done by people. We want everyone to be able to engage with science through this circle.”

To visit the circuit, people only have to approach the areas where the stations are. In the case of persons within the Universidad Católica del Norte, a small health questionnaire must be filled out that can be requested through social networks (compartiendocaleta_laciencia) or by sending an email to cientificosdelabasura@gmail.com.

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