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“The remuneration of the legal secretary is protected by law,” Luis Mario Rodriguez says.

“The remuneration of the legal secretary is protected by law,” Luis Mario Rodriguez says.

Rodriguez reiterated that it was the full acting court that ruled that there were no objections to his statements.

Luis Mario Rodriguez, the former legal secretary of the Presidential Administration of Elias Antonio Saca, was summoned by the deputies of the special committee of the association investigating the “bonuses” given to former public servants.

Before questions from Representative William Soriano of New Ideas; Former Legal Secretary Luis Mario Rodriguez explained that the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice said “strongly that there were no irregularities in my assets or signs of illicit enrichment.”

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This is in connection with the fact that Soriano’s deputy re-read parts of the Integrity Department reports where it appears that some judges did not agree with the full court’s decision.

However, Rodriguez reiterates that it was the full acting court that ruled that there were no objections to his statements and that Soriano was limited to reading some of the additions made later.

The same case previously occurred with former Vice President Ana Velma de Escobar, whom Soriano wanted to denounce as having more than a million dollars without being able to justify in his inheritance statement, in which de Escobar reiterated that the full court is the only one. Which decided there were no indications of illicit enrichment.

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To the question of Representative Rebecca Santos, of New Ideas, what her nominal salary was when she worked as a former legal secretary to the presidency; Rodriguez responded by saying that it was explained to him that his salary was covered by state and financial regulations published in the Official Gazette.

According to him, based on this legality, he was informed that his salary would be $8000 per month covered by the legal regulations of Executive Agreement 480, of the Finance Branch, dated June 4, 1999, which in turn was based on the Basic Law of State Financial Management which clearly indicated that it is the Minister of Finance who decides to dictate Payment policies and systems, including brochures.

“I didn’t get bonuses with the sign that you gave them. He explained to me that my position had a bonus of $8,000 covered by the State and Treasury Basic Act and a bonus under the Payroll Act of $2,580.53, Rodriguez said.

In his appearance before the special committee, Saca said the former official received bonuses of up to $11,000 per month while serving in the position. Saka’s former private secretary, Elmer Charlix, also noted that the presidency at the time paid for Rodriguez’s Ph.D. tuition fees in Spain, with $3,400 coming from the item formerly called “reserved expenses”. These concerns are the ones that Rodriguez must make before the deputies of the Special Committee.

formerly, former Vice President Ana Velma de Escobar; former Vice President Carlos Quintanilla Schmidt; Former President Saka, former President Alfredo Christiani and his former private secretary Arturo Tuna.

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See also: Quintanilla Schmidt says in a special committee of the association that “the bonuses are legal and complementary to salary”

Also read: ‘They should investigate all governments, not just previous ones’: Ex-President Kristani to special commission investigating emoluments