The brotherly relations of the President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador With the government of Cuba – the island he will visit May 7-9, for the first time as president – it goes back to the last 40 years, a period when it was also under the watchful eye of the Mexican intelligence service.
according to file to spy From the defunct Federal Security Directorate – today the Center for National Intelligence (CNI) – at the beginning of the eighties, when he was a delegate of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INI) in Tabasco, Lopez Obrador promoted the technological exchange of home-building between this entity and the government of Fidel Castro.
Intelligence report held by Globalism Details Cuba will send to technicians of Lopez Obrador’s home with knowledge of building affordable homes, and the Tabasco government will send peasants to Havana to share their knowledge of farming techniques. However, according to the document, the peasants who were sent to the island went only to visit Havana, because, accusing the DFS, they did not know anything about agricultural techniques.
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Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in coordination with Governor Leandro Rovirosa, encouraged technological exchange with the Cuban government. The Cuban government sent technicians to Nacajuca, Tabasco, to take responsibility for building affordable homes, and instead INI sent farmers to visit Havana, because the envoys knew nothing about the technologies,” says the intelligence report.
Amlo: a communist leader
In the first DFS file report, dated June 14, 1979, López Obrador was then the leader of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM) in Tabasco. She notes that Lopez Obrador returned to his native country in June 1975 after studying political science at UNAM when he took office. Leandro Rofesora Wade, and where he served as state delegate for the INI in Nacajuca. The DFS asserted that López Obrador “favorites” the selection of activists and fighters from the Mexican Workers’ Party (PMT) and PCM “now switched to the Socialist United Party of Mexico (PSUM).
“All of them never promoted the organization of the development of agriculture, but devoted themselves only to the politicization of the peasantry under the Marxist-Leninist orientation.”
From May 7 to 9, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will visit Cuba for the first time as a federal president. Photo: special.
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A traitor to the party and the marginalized
In a report dated July 25, 1983, a DFS agent infiltrated a meeting of PSUM leaders in Tenosique, by the Usumacinta River, where he asserted that López Obrador, who had served as head of the state’s PRI, had “absorbed” the socialist leaders, who had produced “the perverse effects of the communist movement in the state” They called him a traitor to the Chinese Communist Party and the marginalized class.
At that meeting, it was asserted that some voices suggested that López Obrador had a position “completely against PSUM”, but “others say he is trying to make the PRI more progressive and revolutionary. Opinions are now divided, some say that the position of the head of the party The institutional revolutionary, Mr. Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, is totally against PSUM, and some say he is trying to make the PRI more progressive and revolutionary.
“That among all these speculations there is a fact, which compels López Obrador to be referred to as a traitor to the united socialist party and to the marginalized class, and that this politician without a definite ideology is nothing more than the mechanism used by the present system of state government to project power from the party most importance, such as the state’s PSUM”.
Details written in pencil, page 51, that after López Obrador resigned from the leadership of the PRI state, he supported the CCP financially and had a communist affiliation. “It is worth noting that Lopez Obrador, of communist affiliation, came to the entity when Leandro Rovirosa Wade campaigned to be governor, which granted him the position of INI representative and financially helped the Chinese Communist Party.”
It is mentioned at the end of the text that López Obrador had the support of the leaders Chontal Indianswho asked him, after receiving help, to lead their battle.

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