In the middle of the morning press conference held by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Journalist Vanessa Hauck, from the Telemundo network, asked the Central American president about coverage of the country's aqueduct service And access to water resources for different populations.
When his turn came, Using data provided by the National Water Commission (Conagua), an entity of the Mexican government itself, Hook asked Lopez about water shortages in certain areas.. The president did not know how to answer with certainty, so he hesitated and seemed uncomfortable, trying to discuss what the journalist said.
“We conducted a very thorough investigation and spoke with water experts Statistics from your government, from Conagua, indicate that 3 out of 10 homes do not have access to water.was Hook's response.
As the seconds passed, Lopez Obrador continued to skim over the topic and was unable to find data that would allow him to discuss what the journalist had asked him. In fact, he ran into some commonplace things when Hawk explained to him that in Chiapas, one of the states with the most water, not every home has water service.
“Chiapas is one of the states with the most water, but that doesn't mean it reaches people's homes“Those were Hook's words, to which Obrador told him that he had other data and that they were just different ways of thinking.
At that moment, the reporter told him that this was not the focus of the situation and that she was simply looking for a response to the panorama of shortages in some regions of Mexico, which was supported by figures from the government itself.
At that point, Andrés Manuel López Obrador had no other choice but to attack the media again. “You, media professionals in general, are not objective and unprofessionalwas the phrase he threw at Hawkeye who was still waiting for an answer to his question.
In the face of the president's insult, the journalist had no choice but to demand respect for her work and profession, and reminded the president that the question was supported by official figures and an investigation conducted with society.
“Yes, we are targets and I ask for your respect because we are professionals and I am doing my job.“Hawk told López Obrador.
“But hey, keep your vision of things and we respect it, but I have other information and here it is, specifically, these are the priority plans that we haveObrador called for an exit from the impasse he found himself in due to the difficult situation that Mexico is experiencing to provide water for all its citizens.

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