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The presentation of the book “The Ten Keys to Well-Being” receives more than 200 people

The presentation of the book “The Ten Keys to Well-Being” receives more than 200 people

On the morning of February 2, the psychologist’s book “The Ten Keys to Well-Being” was released Fernando PenaPresident of the Spanish Association of Health Psychology (AEPSIS). In the afternoon, the author signed books at El Corte Inglés Bookstore in Murcia.

The book is available in both paper and digital form The ten keys to well-being. The conference at which the book was presented was attended by more than 200 members of Thaderconsumo, federation of associations of housewives and consumers of the region of Murcia, on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. The assembly hall of the Cajamurcia Foundation hosted the ceremony.

At the conference in which this book was presented The author highlighted the importance of promoting a positive attitude and how the way of thinking not only has an impact on improving psychological health, but you will also find a positive effect on physical health and longevity.. Science supports the important connection between mind, physical health, and healthy aging. Actions to take care of each party will have an impact on improving the other. The book shows 10 ways to achieve this through practices to take care of yourself and achieve greater well-being.

the book The ten keys to well-being It tries to answer several questions: Are you doing everything you can to be happier? Do you know how to achieve this? Many people want to feel more well-being, but they don’t get it because they don’t know the steps. It doesn’t matter if they really want it if they don’t have some useful way to give them the keys. the book The ten keys to well-being It describes easy tips and accurate behaviors to achieve more well-being in a simple way.

The author asserts that “it will bring about a change in whoever reads it, they will perceive it clearly. People around them will notice it. With it they will increase their self-esteem, manage their emotions, improve their relationships and promote more positive attitude towards life.” Not only is it an interesting and entertaining read, but it will provide suggestions, exercises and tasks, and teach what one does right and what needs to be done differently.. It will even help change the way you think by promoting a greater degree of physical and emotional health.

The book contains the main guidelines given by the psychiatrist to his patients and by which he saw clearly and directly that they achieved greater well-being. It is a book based on practical methods that have already proven to be useful and effective in improving mood and feeling better on a psychological level. The author comments: “People share ways of thinking and behavior that lead us to suffering. The first step to overcoming them is to be able to identify them. In the chapters of this book, one of the main purposes is for the reader to become aware of these patterns, and once they are identified, the book offers practical ways to replace them with others.” healthy.

The book is aimed at everyone who wants to learn how to be better with themselves and in relationships with others.

The author of the book comments: “It is a book of psychology applied to everyday life. People often need a guide, an orientation that leads us to find ourselves better. This book offers that guide. It is a good book, too, for psychology professionals as support for their therapies” .

The author comments that he has been working as a psychologist in Valencia for just over 20 years, currently leads a team of psychologists in Valencia and is President of the Spanish Association of Health Psychology AEPSIS. The book was developed from the materials written by the psychiatrist for his patients and that he saw that after applying the contents the patients improved a lot. Over the years, the psychiatrist realized that most of the patients who came to the clinic did so for very similar reasons and they all improved a lot by applying the techniques the psychiatrist gave them in those readings.

Not only does the book talk about many things that are very important to achieving greater happiness: developing emotional intelligence, boosting self-esteem, overcoming resentment towards others and getting rid of ego are some of the highlights.

This is the first psychology and self-help book written mostly in poetic prose, something that grabs the reader’s attention, who will enjoy seeing how the reading follows a certain rhythm..

The author is known not only for other publications he already has in bookstores, but also for having a YouTube channel that talks about psychology issues and posts real knowledge and testimonials of various psychological problems. The channel already has about 200,000 followers and is one of the main Spanish-language channels focused on spreading psychology.