Next Monday, Judge Yanibet Rivas of the Sixth National District Investigation Court suspended the preliminary trial against the defendants in the Coral 5G case, accused of corruption,
Likewise, it has been reported that he will appeal at 9:00 a.m. of the said date.
In Coral 5G, derived from the Coral case, the defendants include Boanerges Reyes Batista (ARD), General Julio Camilo de los Santos Viola (FARD), captain of the ARD ship, Franklin Mata Flores, and José Manuel Rosario Perón.
Carlos Lantigua, Alfredo Pichardo, Erasmo Roger Perez, Yohannan Lucia Rodriguez, Jew Blandesmil Guzmán and Esmeralda Ortega Polanco were also implicated.
Likewise, those accused of Operation Coral included General Adán Cáceres y Núñez de Aza, Priest Rossi Guzmán Sánchez, Police Corporal Tanner Antonio Flete Guzmán (the nun’s son), Army Sergeant Alejandro José Montero Cruz, as well as Army Major, Raúl Alejandro Girón Jiménez.
In the alleged corruption case, he points out that the defendants linked to him are linked to the army and police, They defrauded the state of more than 4,000 million pesos.
What the prosecutor said
For her part, Public Prosecutor Mirna Ortiz confirmed that the statements of the accused Geron are his means of defense and that he decided within the framework of his strategy. Assuming the facts established in the indictment.
“Within this right he helps, as he admitted his participation in the network, which reinforces the prosecution’s theory along with the actions committed by other parties who, in turn, carried out criminal activities in Cusep and The Cestur,” Ortiz asserted.
Likewise, it confirmed that the data obtained in the judicial process was lawful and legal, as well as issued by the corresponding institutions.
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