East Africa News Post

Complete News World

“The party forced me to sell myself to hurt the industrialists” - SwingComplete

“The party forced me to sell myself to hurt the industrialists” – SwingComplete

There are many dark stories of Cuban baseball that gradually emerged. Especially when their victims migrate and they can say freely without fear of anything injustice or absurdities that have occurred on the island.

The absolutely disgraceful event occurred in the 1989-90 series, where he, as a pitcher for Citerialis, had to intentionally lose against his fellow Henequeneros. Guidance came from the PCC at Matanzas so that the latter qualifies and so the industrials will be left without a chance to enter the post-season.

Oropesa initially refused to hand the game over, but in the video we posted below, he admitted what happened before and after finding out what he was asked to do.

Here we leave you with the testimony of a person who was recently one of the most active personalities in the Professional Federation of Cuban Players.