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The parents of Paula Duran, a Colombian patient with terminal cancer, are already in the United States to share the last days of her life.  Dramatic moments

The parents of Paula Duran, a Colombian patient with terminal cancer, are already in the United States to share the last days of her life. Dramatic moments

Sergio Vega used the power of social networks to share what he was going through with his family in the United States, and in turn, requested a humanitarian visa for his wife’s parents, who are suffering from head and stomach cancer. He was given less than a month to live.

His moving message went viral and reached the ears of President Pedro and senior officials at the US Embassy. His in-laws were granted humanitarian visas.

On Tuesday, January 17, Paula Duran’s parents received an important document that would allow them to travel to the country and be with their daughter.

“I am happy. The tension, the moments when we thought they were going to deny us, all went well. “From the beginning, the embassy had a lot of solidarity with us because the process was very fast,” said Gloria Camargo. The mother of a young woman from Huila.

Vega also spoke about the encouraging news and did not hide her joy at the prospect of her mother-in-law moving to the North American country soon.

Through his personal Instagram account, The Colombian thanked all the people who knew about the health of his emotional partner. In addition, he indicated that they will fight until the end, so that Paula will overcome this serious illness.

Paula Duran's mother
Paula Duran’s mother, with her humanitarian visa permit. – Photo: Photo: The Week

“Today we woke up with good news. We’ve done something really amazing, thanks to all of you for being our voice and rooting for us. The media has also been very supportive of us. We listened,” Vega said, visibly moved.

As a result, his wife’s parents bought air tickets for the trip in a hurry. Thanks to the help they received from Vega’s followers on Instagram, they were able to raise the money in record time. To make the purchase of tickets as quick as possible, they contributed their grain of sand.

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This Thursday, January 19, Paula’s parents are already in America, traveling to meet, share and care for their daughter in these difficult times, thus fulfilling Sergio’s mission.

At around 10:00 tonight, Paula Duran’s parents were flying in the skies over America, on their way to San Francisco, from where they would travel another hour to reach their final destination: their beloved daughter’s home.

Juan Diego Alvira from the team week, He accompanies his parents on this trip, and I will tell you in the next few hours about that anticipated reunion after nine months of not seeing each other.It is scheduled to take place in the early hours of Friday, January 20.

Paula Duran's parents are finally able to visit the US to visit their cancer-stricken daughter.
Paula Duran’s parents travel to America to visit their daughter who is suffering from cancer. – Photo: Photo gallery with images from SEMANA/Instagram Sergio Vega respectively.

Sergio and Paula are at home ready to receive their relatives

Vega took to her Instagram to share pictures of her partner at home with her followers, along with a message of thanks to everyone watching over her health.

“Thanks to everyone watching me, I want to send you a big hug for all the support you have shown me and my family”, initially noted Duran, who received hundreds of messages in recent days.

Paula Duran from Colombia appeared in the video with a heartfelt message of help
Sergio Vega’s wife, Paula Duran, is suffering from terminal cancer and according to doctors she has only a short time to live. – Photo: A photo of the video posted from Sergio Vega’s Instagram account

He then added: “Thank God, I am here with my Juan Jose, my children and my friends. I hope it continues like this. Thank you all for the words of support you sent me. I will continue to fight,” he said.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, you can see the moment a young Colombian woman is reunited with her young son, who was born with his mother’s complicated medical conditions.

This was the beginning of Sergio Vega’s battle to keep his wife’s parents in the United States.

Sergio Vega moved to the North Country a few years ago in search of a better future, but life took him and his wife Paula by surprise when he was diagnosed with stomach and brain cancer.

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They immigrated from Neva to the United States in May 2022 with their two other children, and upon arrival discovered that Paula was pregnant. But a routine medical check-up revealed that Paula was suffering from a serious illness.

Colombian Sergio Vega is asking for a humanitarian visa to stay with his mother-in-law and his parents and his wife.
Colombian Sergio Vega was able to get a humanitarian visa for his wife’s parents, who were suffering from terminal cancer. – Photo: Instagram @sergiovega228711

They had to perform a C-section to save their son, and he was born a premature baby. Immediately, he underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but the cancer was very bad. Advanced and can be done in small amounts for your health.

Through a video he posted on his official Instagram profile that has over a million views, Paula’s husband announced the grim news.

“I ask that Paula’s mother and father be in America. They gave me news, the worst news I have ever received in my life. Now here my wife isn’t going to do anything else in the hospital, they gave her a month to live and I’m taking her homeVega said with tears in her eyes.

Faced with this emergency, The Colombian sought the help of social networks to bring his mother-in-law and parents to the United States, who did not have visas that would allow them to enter the United States immediately. That’s why she asked that they be granted humanitarian visas to be by Paula’s side in her final days.

“I am asking you to help me, we need my mother-in-law and my parents here […] It pains me to see how your body is consumed every day. The truth is heartbreaking […] I have written to the president, I have written to everyone on Instagram to help me with that humanitarian visa, so they are here, so I can bring them and my wife can spend her last days in peace with her family”, Sergio is heard saying in a broken voice.

Sergio Vega shared a tender video after his wife Paula Duran left the hospital
Paula Duran is at home, where she visits with her parents. – Photo: Instagram: Sergio Vega

Those tears were worth everything Thanks to his efforts and the help of people on social networks, today he can keep his wife’s parents by his side.

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A famous lawyer tried his case

This week, the man from Huila received another piece of good news: Attorney Jessica Dominguez, known as the Angel of Justice, took on his wife’s case.

According to the attorney, the Immigration and Nationality Act contains a section that allows “inadmissible” aliens to enter the United States temporarily. He also pointed out that it is used when there is an urgent humanitarian reason.

Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of love. We have seen so much love you have for your wife and it motivates us to keep going Here I tell you, we’re going to fight together so that God gives you your heart’s desire, because there’s no fight worse than a fight that doesn’t. Faith moves mountains and we are going to fight together,” he pointed out at the beginning.

Jessica Domínguez is a lawyer specializing in immigration issues
Jessica Domínguez is a lawyer specializing in immigration issues. – Photo: Instagram: Jessica Dominguez

Later, Domínguez added on the BBC: “We are making a direct call to the Joe Biden government. They have the power to change this situation. Humanitarian reasons must be advanced, and we have many in this case. There are sufficient resources to apply for a humanitarian visa.

Sergio Vega shared a video a few days ago in which his emotional partner asked US President Joe Biden to listen to his request to grant humanitarian visas to his relatives.

“Hello, Mr. President, Mr. Biden. I request you in advance to please bring my parents and in-laws to America so that I can be with their support. Thank you very much, Mr. President, congratulations to your wife, the First Lady and all your loved ones. God bless him,” said Paula Duran.

The United States granted visas to the parents of Paula Duran, a Colombian.
Paula Duran asked President Joe Biden for help so her parents and in-laws could enter the United States and be with her in her final days. – Photo: AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib (left), Instagram: Sergio Vega (right)