Hospitalization for COVID-19 provided a reduction in today’s report, Sunday, from the Department of Health to be present in the 488 people admitted to hospitals among adults and minors.
Those hospitalized with COVID-19 are 458 adults and 30 children. Of those, 120 are adults in the intensive care unit and one is a minor. Meanwhile, 94 adults were connected to a ventilator. Yesterday’s uppercase was 491.
The new disease cases reported by Salud today are an average of 637 between positive molecular and antigen tests. Specifically, they are an average of 350 confirmed cases with molecular testing and an average of 287 probable cases with antigen testing. However, the Community Health Alliance of Puerto Rico (COSACO) reported 692 new confirmed and probable cases with appreciable numbers.
The total number of confirmed cases accumulated in Puerto Rico since the beginning of the epidemic is 141,104. Of those, 128,016 people have recovered, according to the Health Ministry’s projection portal.
In terms of the deaths reported today, they are two men, aged 56 and 65, respectively, and an 89-year-old woman. The deaths occurred on August 14, 25 and 28.
In August, 239 deaths from COVID-19 were reported in Puerto Rico. So far, during the pandemic, 2,826 people have lost their lives to the virus in the archipelago.
Vaccination has progressed, and today 2,001,769 people have been reported with their completed COVID-19 vaccines in Puerto Rico.
Tomorrow Monday, the governor, Pedro Pierluisi, is expected to announce a new executive order that includes measures to try to control the COVID-19 recovery on the island, as predicted last Friday by the Minister of Health, Carlos Melado.
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