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The new WhatsApp update will include a unique visualization of how the new system will work

The new WhatsApp update will include a unique visualization of how the new system will work

The instant messaging application WhatsApp, on Tuesday, announced the launch of its new function. It is a tool that allows sharing of photo and video files We can only see each other once by the recipient.

They are files that disappear from the chat as soon as the recipient opens them and Giving users more control over their privacy“.

He referred to the platform, which has more than two billion users around the world.

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More details about the new WhatsApp feature

The job, is very similar to the job you already have Instagram In your messaging service, allows Share sensitive or private photos, which the user does not want to be saved and stored on their contact’s device.

The WhatsApp Pointed out that to specify that it’s a single view file, The message will have an icon. Also, with Number 1 circled. When the person already sees the photo, the word will appear in the chat “opened”

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Similarly, the company has clarified that messages sent using this option will continue Maintain end-to-end encryptionowned by the application. Single view will be activated during this week for all users, regardless of what files OS.

How do they work?

1. Files will not be saved in the Photos section or in the Gallery.

2. Once the user sees the file, they won’t be able to see it again.

3. These messages cannot be forwarded, saved, or starred.

4. The user will only be able to know that the recipient has seen the message if read receipt is enabled.

5. If the person does not see the single view profile within 14 days, this message will disappear from the chat.

6. Note that the recipient will still be able to capture or record the screen.

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