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The new MIR specialization you can now choose: this is how it expands

Juanma Moreno and Alfonso Rueda, presidents of the Andalusian Junta and the Chonta de Galicia, respectively.

Specialization MIR for Forensic Medicine and Legal Medicine It continues to expand the possibilities of its educational scope. The specialization offer in the Call for Specialized Health Training (FSE) 2025 will consist of 17 places, the highest number in its short history – it was created in 2022 – but this circumstance is joined by another that is closely linked to the possibilities of the continuous offer to increase thereafter: from the three Independent communities Specialized in justice Forensic medicine institutes Not approved as educational units, at least two of them, Galicia And AndalusThey are already working to be able to host the MIR for the specialization. The latter also has a specific date for it: 2026.

MIR forensic and forensic medicine “appeared” in the process ESF In 2022 with eight places, a number that was maintained in 2023 and raised to 12 in the last call. With 17 places at stake, according to the information handled Medical WritingIt will be part of the record-breaking MIR 2025, and the discipline will have doubled its offering in three years.

However, the sector needs more people to address the shortage of specialists in this field. “We need more MIR positions because, on the one hand, we have a temporary rate of around 30 percent, and on the other hand, despite the increase in judicial bodies, our staff is not growing at the same rate, which means that the workload is increasing,” the president of the National Association of Forensic Doctors explained to this newspaper in March. Clara Ortega.

The government is working to “adjust the staff” of forensic experts.

In early June, the government announced, in a written parliamentary response, that Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts He had previously asked the Forensic Medicine Council to study his census of professionals and their “real needs” in the “coming years” as a first step “to take appropriate decisions to control employees.”

The Executive also detailed its contribution to the MIR’s offer of legal medicine and forensic medicine since its creation: half of the total places in each call. The rest of the positions were and continue to be based on the autonomous regions that transferred Powers in Justicetwelve out of seventeen.

In these cases, the regional governments themselves must take the necessary measures for their legal medicine institutes to obtain accreditation as teaching units and thus be able to host the MIR. Moncloa It is pointed out that there are three communities with outstanding duties in this regard: Andalusia, Galicia and Madrid.

Legal and Forensic Medicine Plans in Andalusia and Galicia

As for Andalusia, it is Ministry of Justice, Local Administration and Civil Service They explain in detail the procedures for accreditation in an educational unit. Institute of Forensic Medicine of Malaga They are already very advanced. They explained that the Ministry of Justice told them that the first step is to sign an agreement with Health consultations Andalusian health service (Sass), which is currently awaiting approval from the Andalusian Government’s Ministry of Health. After that, it will be the Ministry of Health that gives the final green light.

“Our idea is that in May the Institute of Legal Medicine will be able to request MIR places so that residents in 2026 can start their practices there,” the same sources point out, adding that their future plans include doing the same in Seville And in Grenade.

In the case of Galicia, since then Ministry of the Presidency, Xustiza and Sports Explain to Medical Writing Since February 2023, coinciding with the entry into force of the new regulations for forensic medicine institutes, “all necessary measures are being taken,” in coordination with Health Departmentfor the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Galicia to obtain accreditation as a teaching unit. But in their case they do not venture to give a specific date, but simply say that it will happen “as soon as possible.”

“Combustible” Procedures for MIR Module Accreditation

It is noteworthy, however, that the measures taken by Xunta have already taken a year and a half. In this context, the same sources explain that the process is “long”, in addition to the fact that it “requires a series of administrative procedures, completion of documentation, and a series of conditions set by the Council”. Ministry of Health

In this vein, the Andalusian Ministry of Justice regrets the “boring” of the process and the “slowness” with which the bureaucracy advances. “We have been working on the agreement for more than a year, since the beginning of the agreement Legislature“And they add,”

In Madrid, the Medical Opening has contacted the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Local Administration, but has not yet received a response regarding its intentions to host residents in forensic medicine and forensic medicine.

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