It’s no secret that Chrome, despite being a good browser, enjoys eating, or rather devouring files RAM of our computers. And in the case of those of us who usually have 50 or more tabs open at the same time, it’s even worse. Fortunately, Chrome will soon receive a new feature dedicated to it.
The function or feature will automatically suspend tabs that you haven’t visited in a while. In this way, you will improve Chrome performance by not consuming too much RAM. The job was shared by the user u / Leopeva64-2 From Reddit, plus some pictures of how it works.
It’s called Memory Saver, it can be activated from the Performance section of Chrome’s configuration menu, and it will be dedicated to detecting and suspending tabs you don’t use. Of course, once you visit an inactive tab again, it will reload and even tell the user how much RAM has been saved by holding the tab.
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Ya han existido extensiones de Chrome con funciones similares, pero sin duda la llegada de esta característica directamente a Chrome podría suponer un antes y después en consumo de memoria RAM, en especial para aquellos que abren muchas pestañas constantemente. Se espera que Memory Saver llegue en una próxima actualización a Chrome, en el futuro cercano. Mi computadora la espera con ansias. [ Reddit Across Android / Tom’s guide]

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