the Navy Its biggest maneuver this year begins on Monday. known as exercise Flotex It will collect between 5 and 16 June 21 ships from fast And more than 5,000 soldiers in the waters of the southeast and the Spanish Levant.
The planned preliminary planning includes the specified presence of 19 surface ships, 2 submarines, 16 aircraft, 5 unmanned vehicles, 80 security vehicles, Marines and 6 landing craft. In addition, anti-aircraft artillery units and coastal artillery units Earth armymany planes Air and Space Army.
This year, the exercises will include the participation of units from Canada, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Turkey and the United States. three ships from Military Navy Italianone of French National Navyone of American Navy American, Canadian and Turkish as well as units of Marines United States and naval patrol aircraft of the French and American navies.
Share permanent groups of NATO In this edition it is implemented by SNMG-2 Escorts and SNMCMG-2 measures against mines. A group of escorts from the multinational naval force will also attend. euromarfour. In total, about 5,000 troops are expected to participate, including personnel on board and support personnel deployed to the various areas where the exercises will take place.
Photo: Navy
Flotex 23 It is the most advanced exercise of the Navy in this year 2023. It aims to train, evaluate and analyze the capabilities of the naval force, made up of the various units and general staffs, national and allied, that will participate in the exercises. The navy makes it clear that the maneuvers are aimed at “being ready to contribute, at sea and from the sea, to the defense of Spain and its legitimate interests wherever necessary.”
admiral of the fleet, Eugenio Diaz del Rio Judinesis the authority that schedules the exercise, and the commander of the Maritime High Availability Command (Comcgmad), Vice Adm Jose Maria Nunez TorrenteResponsible for planning and implementation.
Flotex-23 will be carried out between June 5 and 16, in the waters of the Balearic Sea and the Western Mediterranean, with training conducted in a scenario of medium and high intensity operations against asymmetric and conventional threats.
The naval force, after its participation in the actions of Armed Forces Day (Dafas) On June 2 and 3 in Motril and Granada, he will call in the cities of Alicante, Almeria and Cartagena before the start of the year. Upon completion, the ships are expected to call in Palma de Mallorca and Mahon before returning to their home ports.
Flotex-23 is an excellent opportunity to raise the level of training and enhance interoperability among participants, while enhancing cohesion between the fleets of friendly and allied nations. These types of advanced exercises are essential for Spain so that it will have troops equipped, recruited, and able to operate where, when and when necessary the navy stresses.

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