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The Nation/Science team wins recognition in Brazil

The Nation/Science team wins recognition in Brazil

The Club of Space Sciences and Technologies (CCTE) team of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Asuncion (Fiona) participated in the Latin American Space Challenge (LASC) in the 3000m class with solid fuels.

Students received the Ric Machick Award for Engineering Innovation for stellar performance during data retrieval and transmission. The event is the second largest experimental rocket and satellite competition in the world and was held in Cabo Canavial, Tatoi Region, Brazil. La Fiuna has received £38,400,000 from the National Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt) through the Prociencia Program with support from FEEI.

Youth experience

According to Jose Avalos, President of the Fiona Space Science and Technology Club, thanks to the preparation and dedication of the classmates and the support of the faculty authorities, they were able to recognize innovation in engineering in Paraguay.

“We debuted in the competition with a successful ride in the highest category of challenge. Against all odds, we are showing that perseverance and preparation are very important. We are now aiming to hold the competition in the United States, where we want to participate and present another prize for the country.”

For her part, student Katya Ariko commented that with the emergence of some problems, they saw a way to solve them as quickly as possible and in the best way. “I worked in the foundry department, and I learned how to make molds, which saved us because there was a problem that the 3D printed coupling couldn’t be supported, so we had to change it. So we started casting the aluminum mold with the guys at three o’clock in the morning so that we could Change it.” In addition, the student also specialized in the use of fiberglass.

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For his part, Kevin Amanti thanked his colleagues for the responsibility and commitment they all assumed. To this, he commented that one of the organizers, after seeing all they managed to do in one night, told them, “You came to win a prize.” He said that hearing this was indeed an acknowledgment of the efforts they had made.