On social networks like Tik TokThe story of a young man named Julio Macias Gonzalez, 17 years old who passed away after his girlfriend of 25 years gave him a hickey on his neck; Case occurred in Iztapalapa Mayor’s Officeeast Mexico City.
in said audiovisual that has millions of views, Interactions And commentsa simulation of a young man in artificial intelligence is shown telling his story, which ended in a terrible end because of a sample of “eagerBy his older partner at the time.
The case of Julio Macías
He was August 25, 2016 CDMX East As the young man was present in the company of his then partner, with whom she was between laughter and kisses, she made the decision to make him “Qibla signWhat kind of skin aspiration, and in the case of Macías, was performed on the neck, which marks the end of his life.
After taking a walk and spending an afternoon together, they decide to go to his house to have dinner with his familyBut suddenly he fell to the ground and his powerful fits began seizures; They notified the ambulances and paramedics but when they got to the service, they did They could do nothing for the young man.
Can you die from a hickey?
The stroke the young woman gave to her boyfriend in the neck is outrageous IV in the brain, which caused a fatal embolism; Until now, the whereabouts of the young man’s girlfriend JulyBut his parents continue to search for him to take responsibility for the events.
In scientific terms, this type of disposition is known as suggestionwhich we know colloquially Qibla sign And what kind hematoma; it causes And he called bruises Which arise after performing a strong oral suction on a part of the body, which leads to greater risks in the neck, and where it is more common, especially in the context of spouses.
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