Doctors Diana Elvira Lago and Rodrigo Ospina, recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Minciencias) as honorary researchers, They highlighted the entity’s commitment to bringing science to the regions.
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Lago, Doctor of Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), hHe directed his work towards training researchers.
She was also the Academic Director of the Doctorate in Education Sciences in Rudecolombia at the University of Cartagena and in the country, and the Academic Advisor for The Caribbean State University System (SUE) and Director of the Rueca Research Group. She is also an Honorary Scholar since 2017.
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“The new science and technology policy of access to the territory from the missions confirms the way I was working from the Rueca research group, of which Dr. Ospina is also a pioneer, and from which we linked the entire region in the education system. Our research work has gone beyond doctoral training and master’s training, and is now in school. This is our biggest challenge: proposing to bring science, technology and innovation to the regions and the regionHe confirmed.
Lago received a plaque of appreciation from Minister Arturo Luna.
Ospina, like Lago, is a Doctor of Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He directed his research contribution towards quality processes in the training of researchers, work he has done since obtaining his master’s degree in higher education.
He was also Dean of the Faculty of Science for 8 years, as well as a leading member of Rueca’s research group. He has accumulated more than 30 papers and shared the distinction with fellow Lago Scholar Emeritus (2015).
How important it is for the Ministry of Science and Technology to endorse this recognition that Colciencias has given us and above all with a new component, the extension of research to the regions. It was my great honor to contribute to the training of new researchers for 15 years with the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences at RudecolombiaThis was stated by Dr. Ospina, who thanked Minister Luna for his praise.
The award ceremony was held at the Manga headquarters of the Technological University of Bolivar, where Minister Luna also conferred the same honorary researcher medal on scientist Luis Caraballo, Holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Cartagena, Director of Masters and Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences, Leader of the Research Excellence Group and Honorary Researcher (2017).
Minister Luna sent congratulations to Dr. Caraballo, who could not attend due to health reasons Who Minciencias will send you your recognition board.

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