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The Ministry of Health permanently ignores the veterinary profession

The Ministry of Health permanently ignores the veterinary profession

At the last meeting of the State Confederation of Veterinary Unions (Fesvet), held in Lyon, in addition to analyzing the most important actions of the federated unions, among which highlighting the development of various regular and extraordinary selective processes derived from Law 20/2021 on urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in public jobs, Agreed to address the General Council of Colleges of Veterinary (CGCV) to urge the establishment of a working group to examine essential aspects of specialized health training The Ministry of Health is required to develop training in health sciences for veterinarians.

The Ministry of Health permanently ignores the veterinary profession. Since the publication of the Public Health Public Law in 2011, it has been obligated to amend specialized health training to incorporate all health professions into the public health specialty, however, it avoids or permanently delays this obligation, leading to validation of veterinarians. public health and the national health system itself,” Fesvet deplores.

In the said letter they mention the CGCV chief, Luis Alberto Calvorecently posted Royal Decree 589/2022from July 19, which organizes cross-disciplinary training in health sciences, and Procedures and criteria for proposing a new title for a health sciences professional or a diploma in a specific field of training, and review the facilityaccess and training in specific training areas; The rules applicable to annual examinations for access to training places in health sciences disciplines have been established. Mr. Saeed R. itself from Health in a press release on 12/24/16, “in error from The right of this profession to access certain specializations in the health sciences is recognizedIn the lab area (Analysis and Clinical Biochemistry) In field of public health.

However, Fesvet makes it clear “The new RD 589/2022, far from incorporating this right into our profession, again ignores us and creates great complexity, as well as ambiguity.in certain criteria and descriptions for the application of a new specialty or the revision of an existing one, and above all because in the second final judgment (amendment of Royal Decree 183/2008, of February 8, which identified and categorized the specialties in health sciences and certain aspects of the health training system Specialist) does not include what was specified in the first final ruling of Law No. 33/2011 of October 4, Public Health (specialization in public health professions. The government will amend Royal Decree 183/2008, dated February 8, which defines and classifies specializations in health sciences And it develops some aspects of the specialized health training system, in order to expand the specialization in public health to the rest of the health professions).

Likewise, they explained that while it continues to ignore the mandate of the National Commission for the Specialization that under Order SCO/1980/2005 of June 6, which approves and publishes the training program for the specialty of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, it recognizes that “the multidisciplinary and multisectoral nature of public health should favor inclusion Progressive core criteria not only with respect to other medical specialties, but also with other undergraduate degrees such as pharmacists, veterinarians, etc.”

So they ask Who appreciates the opportunity to appeal? The Royal Decree 589/2022Dated July 19, as the Board has already done with previous RD 639/2014, it is essential, not to include graduates/graduates in veterinary medicine in any of their specialty or interdisciplinary.

Development of veterinary specialties

secondly, They consider it necessary to start the development of veterinary specialties, both in the health sciences of the national health system and in the clinical fieldFollowing the guidelines established by human medicine 60 years ago.

“Without going into the evaluation of clinical specialties, which have already formed a study group and work to develop them, we want to draw the attention of the General Council and the whole community to the complexity of the procedures established by Royal Decree 589/2022 for the application of a new title, or review of fixed assets, for a health sciences professional. Article states 4 Provided that an application for a new title of health science professional may be initiated by one or more properly constituted national scientific societies in relation to the corresponding field of health sciences specialization, which shall certify the representation of at least seventy percent of professionals in that field or from before the Human Resources Committee of the National Health System,” they said.

“Moreover, in its first annex, it sets out some complex criteria for proposing a new specialist title and reviewing established titles, which, in addition to the above, greatly complicate the acquisition of any veterinary major in the health sciences. However, this should not prevent us from Abandon or simply delay our right to integrate veterinarians into the national health system and have their own veterinary specialties (Public and Community Health Veterinary Health Research Facility), as well as inclusion in interdisciplinary disciplines (clinical analytics, clinical biochemistry, immunology, microbiology and parasitology and radiopharmacology), they add.

Thus, they urge the General Council of Veterinary Faculties of Spain to establish a working group to prepare a comprehensive dossier motivating the criteria defined in Annex I of Royal Decree 589/2022 to propose new specialized titles and to revise the specific titles for health training specialist health sciences.

Finally, they announced it Continued non-compliance with regulations defining veterinary public health as an essential activity of the national health system This obligates the Ministry of Health to fully integrate it into all regional health services and to develop veterinary specializations in health sciences, “We will initiate all necessary legal and social measures to prevent the absence of these professionals from In managing, promoting and protecting community health continues to have a negative impact on health crises.”