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The Mexican softball team threw the uniform.  Pictures

The Mexican softball team threw the uniform. Pictures

Mexico City /

the Mexican women’s softball team who participated in Tokyo Olympics 2020, where They couldn’t get a medal In a six-team discipline, he replayed the trip, however, they had a questionable attitude because of Get rid of all the uniforms they were given As part of our country’s delegation.

What did the women’s softball team do?

Half the time managed to confirm that a group of Mexican athletes ran into volunteers to clean up in Olympic Villagewho wore 10 transparent trash bags In which she was wearing sportswear in country colors.

One of the athletes revealed to this medium that out of curiosity, they approached the volunteers to ask and they answered that it was all about Trash left by softball team In rooms 15-10. “There was everything,” said the source involved.

Part of the Mexican delegation in Tokyo rescued the uniform

Facing the annoyance of seeing Mexican clothing in the trash, a coach from the delegation saved a backpack with some training jerseys in it.

“There was a uniform, a white one. A full uniform. There were T-shirts and even tennis shoes. It gave us a lot of courage because it’s not true“It’s costing us a lot and it’s even costing our sponsors,” the athlete told Mediotiempo who testified to this unfortunate fact.

remarkably The players received the kits from the sponsoring brand of the Mexican Olympic Committee (Chinese brand Li-Ning), plus nike wear In the competition they achieved fourth place.

It was Wednesday when the players returned to the country, they did so in green and gray travel uniforms, but not quite complete, with some members wearing shorts and not shorts. So far, none of the members have expressed their opinion on the facts. This is after mentioning it They made history for Mexico in Tokyo 2020.