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The Maduro regime closed a hotel to prevent Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado from staying during their visit to the state of Aragua.

The Maduro regime closed a hotel to prevent Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado from staying during their visit to the state of Aragua.

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez attend a rally with supporters of the Encuentro Ciudadano party, in Caracas, Venezuela, May 16, 2024. REUTERS/Leonardo Fernandez Viloria

he Nicolas Maduro regime On Thursday, the Recreo Hotel in the city of La Victoria was closed to prevent the presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez And opposition leader Maria Corina Machado Stay during your visit this Saturday to Aragua. The two opposition leaders are touring the country before the next presidential elections on July 28.

“We condemn the closure of the El Recreo Hotel to prevent Edmundo González and María Corina from staying in La Victoria. They will lack those papers necessary to close the homes of all the Victorians who will receive the next President of the Republic. We will prevail,” denounced activist Carlos Daniel Zapata on his account on X (formerly Twitter ).

This measure comes as part of a series of violations and intimidation carried out by the Chavez regime against the opposition in the face of the upcoming elections in Venezuela. GonzalezThis is according to some surveys and thanks to the support it receives from him MachadoHe is emerging as the preferred candidate for the election.

On the other hand, the presidential candidate announced the main opposition coalition in Venezuela – Democratic Unionist Platform (Ipod)-, Edmundo Gonzalez UrrutiaHe stressed on Thursday that if he wins the elections scheduled for July 28, his commitment is to achieve reconciliation among Venezuelans.

We commit to listening and acting, and building bridges, not walls, to heal wounds“To build a just and prosperous future for all, our commitment is to reconciliation among Venezuelans,” González Urrutia said at an event for the Encuentro Ciudadano party, which ratified its support for the candidate.

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The former ambassador pointed out that uniting everyone is a “necessity,” which is why he asked political parties and citizens to be more organized before the elections.

The Maduro regime closed the El Recreo Hotel, where Edmundo González and María Corina Machado were scheduled to stay while passing through Aragua state. @carloszapata_VE

He added, “On that day, we must show unity and organization… Only united and organized can we overcome the obstacles.”

He pointed out that The “next Venezuela” will be one of opportunity, where every citizen can reach their “full potential.”He added that education, health and employment would be “affordable to everyone.”

He said: “A normal country in which public services are no longer a holiday.”

González Urrutia insisted that, if elected president, he would work to promote reconciliation, unity and opportunities for all.

No more discrimination for political reasons, let’s dream and act accordingly“, is Don.

On the other hand, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado highlighted the participation of families in the tours she conducted in different states of the country.

Machado, who won the presidential primary in October but is ineligible to hold elected office until 2036, also insisted on the need for citizens to organize and unite their forces before the presidential election.

Although he was banned from running for Machado’s position He continues his tour of the country Shaking hands, taking selfies, sending kisses, and vowing defeat Nicolas Maduro.

Machado’s challenge is to see if he can convert his fame and charisma into votes for Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia.who was elected by the main opposition coalition when Machado failed to overturn a court ruling that objected to his candidacy.

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He pointed out that “the most important days of our lives are coming (…) Here there is no day in which we can rest, and that the world understands that what is at stake goes beyond Venezuela and concerns the entire region.”

(with EFE information)