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The latest news on the Humane Parole hearing

The latest news on the Humane Parole hearing

Journalist Mario J. said there would be consensus on the parole hearing date, previously agreed in June. Benton said through his official channels.

“We were able to review Docket “There is an important change in the court and indeed today,” he said in a video posted on his channel. Network light.

“Both the plaintiffs and the defendants, namely the 20 Republican states and the US government, have reached a preliminary agreement to ask the judge to change the trial date,” he said.

From the Gallardo law office in Miami, Benton explained that if both parties request a change in the trial date, ie a postponement, it is “practically certain.”

“The judge told them to take this request into account and apparently approve it, but this is good news because the parole hearing will be delayed and therefore, there will be more opportunities. People will continue to come,” he added.

Of course, the journalist wanted to clarify that “there is no date yet.” “This is what the judge said. It’s like, ‘Okay, bring me a plan for a date,'” he said.

Parole hearing date

In Another video On his Facebook profile, Benton offered a possible date for a parole hearing. “It is practically certain that it will be postponed because the plaintiffs have a lot of evidence to present to the judge, and they will need until August.”

He said this “doesn’t mean that the inquiry is in that month, but it is time for them to ask”. This time, we remember. No official date yet.

For now, Cubans can continue to apply for the program. Statistics from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). reflect As of April this year, more than one million requests for humanitarian parole have been received, more than 300,000 of which are from Cuba, and are still pending review.

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In this regard, DHS Undersecretary Blas Núñez-Neto explained this May that changes were made to the selection process to “increase people’s confidence that they will be selected.”

“We are going to implement a process where half of the appointments available each day, that is, out of the 1,000 slots processed each day, 500 are more or less randomly processed in a lottery,” he noted.

The other half are quotes Humanitarian parole Applications will be processed in the order they are received.