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The land is becoming salty due to climate change, which is not good news

The land is becoming salty due to climate change, which is not good news

Salt has a strong impact on ecosystems. How did this situation happen? Once again, the human fingerprint is behind this process.

The land is becoming salty due to climate change, which is not good news
A snowplow truck usually pours salt on the asphalt to break up the ice. Wikipedia

The Earth experiences constant change in its characteristics. This natural process has been changing for thousands of years due to human interaction with its environment. Among the impacts occurring in the world, special mention must be made of the presence of salt in ecosystems. A new investigation has been able to verify this There is a greater amount of this natural element in our surroundings. Climate change is causing landscape degradation.

What meaning does a person have in this meaning? It seems to be one of the most obvious conclusions It has to do with the human fingerprint itself. Let us see, then, what are the keys that would explain the process currently occurring, why we find ourselves facing a more or less specific moment and, of course, to what extent we find ourselves facing a situation that is or may not be reversible. .

Salt is increasing in places with humanity’s participation in this process

The first thing to take into account is that this process consists of the accumulation of different combinations of salt and its derivatives. Humans are experiencing increased participation in this natural process as a result of a series of activities. Mining, agriculture, pouring salt on roads to remove ice, among others, It leads to the degradation of ecosystems over time. Premature deterioration is particularly noticeable in populated areas.

It is noted that the water of rivers and lakes also suffers from the process of salinization. The main problem is that salt is able to get into the soil very easily and can therefore accumulate over time in a given space. Among the activities that can end up causing the most damage to ecosystems, we can find, without a doubt, Use special salt to dissolve roads. In fact, one of his most notable conclusions Stady It is directly related to this note.

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One alternative that could be a potential ingredient to make roads safer in the winter is the use of beet juice. With properties completely different from traditional salt, the presence of this substance in ecosystems will be significantly reduced, achieving a similar effect. In the long run, it can be obtained New balance in areas near damaged road sections. In this sense, the colder regions will be most affected by the intensive use of salt.

We will have to wait and see what happens in future winter campaigns and, of course, how administrations react to a problem that has worsened over the years. Salt is on the road It can reduce the possibility of accidentsBut it has negative consequences on the surrounding nature. Wind and rain end up sending this residue beyond the asphalt, where every bit of salt seeps everywhere.