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The International Criminal Court has postponed the announcement of the investigation into crimes against humanity of the Maduro regime

The International Criminal Court has postponed the announcement of the investigation into crimes against humanity of the Maduro regime

In the photo, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.  EFE / Miguel Gutierrez / Archive
In the photo, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. EFE / Miguel Gutierrez / Archive

The International Criminal Court has postponed the announcement of the investigation into the case Crimes against humanity committed by the Maduro regime.

Bensouda, who finished his duties at the head of the ICC’s chief prosecutor’s office on Tuesday, said he hoped to announce whether or not he would open an investigation in Venezuela into crimes against humanity once the court settled a request from the Caribbean country. .

With regard to Venezuela, I have been committed to reaching a final decision, as far as possible, for the remainder of my term.. Perhaps in anticipation of this outcome, as you will see in the media, the ICC Chamber has received a file from the Government of Venezuela asking the Chamber to exercise judicial oversight over the conduct of our preliminary examination. This was given in secret, so I cannot refer to them in detail, although the Venezuelan authorities themselves have mentioned the fact that it was publicly shown,” Bensouda wrote, farewell letter.

The International Criminal Court’s Office of the Prosecutor’s preliminary investigation, which opened to Venezuela in February 2018, is examining alleged abuses by security forces at demonstrations and prisons since at least April 2017.

in the message, The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says she reached a final conclusion on the investigation and was ready to present itBut with the appeal lodged by the Maduro regime, he decided to wait for the ICC Chamber’s decision before making any announcement.

“These actions and their results are currently classified as confidential, though. We expect it to be announced soon. Given the elapsed time, the only thing I can do at this point is to hand over the document, which has been completed, to the next public prosecutor for consideration and a final decision on it,” added Bensouda.

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda.  EFE / EPA / EVA PLEVIER / Archive
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda. EFE / EPA / EVA PLEVIER / Archive

Chaveza’s attorney general, Tarek William Saab, reported on Monday that he had submitted to the Consumer Protection Commission a fourth report that completes cases of “model punishment” for human rights violations., in connection with the initial examination to which the Caribbean country is subjected.

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The Public Prosecutor also stated that “Continues to provide information without knowing what the performance parameters are From the entity mentioned in this case, an issue that has been claimed time and time again.”

The Chavista authorities had already handed in a request for judicial monitoring last month to the ICC judges, where they complained about the treatment.”discriminatory“Yeah”Unequal“With regard to those received by other countries that are also under preliminary examination,” the attorney general said.

In the face of this allegation, the ICC Prosecutor said, Fatou BensoudaHe denied it during an interview with the news agency EFETo ignore this claim and provide a response that includes examples and statistics on its “commitment” to Venezuela since the start of the examination.

“Regarding the statement that my office had nothing to do with Venezuela, and that it was not transparent or did not provide information, I can definitively say it’s wrongThe Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal confirmed.

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