A Gualdinegro player tries to stop striker Sevillian in the defeat of Recoletas UBU Burgos at La Cartuja /
Masuyama’s dismissal led to the imbalance of a first-half match that was able to lock down a Sevilla side with two trials and a good defense against the mighty Gualdingra.
Recoletas Obo Burgos fell 34-19 against Real Ciencias Innerside from Seville in his visit to La Cartuja in a match until the winger of Burgos was sent off Andres Masuyama after playing resumed in the second half.
Gualdinegro’s side, somewhat inaccurate in manufacturing offensive operations, continued to try with penalty kicks by Carrió, but the locals did not give Castilian a choice and ended the match with a good defense and two attempts from New Zealander Jody Allen.
The match started with Real Sensias attacking and he advanced meters with good kicks which they later won after a throw-in. Barely in the fifth minute of the match, a touch close to the rehearsal area and a fine shot from the Sevillanes opened the scoring account for the match against Recoletas who were outdone in defence.
Inaki Mateo concluded the play with a good shot on H that made it 7-0 on the scoreboard. Burgos reacted instantaneously and in the next minutes tried to find a loophole to run with scrum midfielder Tani Bay, putting in good minutes on his first start to the season.
But it soon became clear that the Castilian team, who arrived in Seville as captain of the tournament after a resounding victory on the first day, were not as good as La Villa.
In the ninth minute, Carrillo, securing his foot to come from scoring 17 points in this fate against Alicante, kicked the oval slightly to the left of the sticks.
Despite the failure, Jose Garcia’s men kept trying to hit the local ranks, playing well with side kicks, and even had the opportunity to score after a good push near the Seville rehearsal area.
With tremendous power, Real Ciencias managed to salvage the situation, which appeared to be tilting in favor of the visiting team, and despite a massive intervention from winger Alex Suarez in the face of Luchi Molina’s exit bid, the Blues were able to move forward with the visiting team. Play.
3. 4
Enerside Proprietary Science
Jodi Allen, F. Del Hoyo (minimum 70 O’Brien), Quinteros (min. 65 Cuadrado), Daniel Store (min. 65 Jimeno), Manuel Mora, Kirkwood, Franco Lopez (min. 74 Salazar), El Molina, Roldan ( Minimum 65 Nogueira), Inaki Matteo, Guillermo Matteo, Dominguez (at least 51 Molinero), Barnett, Jorba (at least 51 J. Dominero) and Axel Papa
Recoletas Obo Burgos
Vasquez (minimum 63 Pechia), Á. Silvestre (min. 54 Agustin Gil), Gramajo, Sacovechi, Wagenaar (min. 54 Mendez), Rubén Sanz, A. Suárez, V. Bustos, Tani Bay (min. 63 Rocaries), Carrió, Facundo López, Rascon, Zabalegui, Masuyama and Castiglione
footnote. note
7-0 (min 5): Article by Vicente del Hoyo transferred by Inaki Mateo; 7-3 (21 min) from a penalty kick by Carrió; 14-3 (minimum 23 min) Kirkwood Test diverted by Matthew; 17-3 (min 28) from a penalty kick by Mathieu; 17-10 (min 37) Casteglioni test turned by Carrió; 17-13 (minimum 41) punitive blow by Carrió; 24-13 (at least 50 min) Allen test diverted by Mathieu; 29-13 (min 54) Allen’s test; 29-16 (at least 60) punitive blow by Carrió; 29-29 (minimum 67) punitive blow by Carrió; 34-19 (at least 80) articles by Axel Papa -
Alfonso Merat (Madrid). He blamed Valentin Bustos and expelled Andres Masuyama for Recoletas Obo Burgos -
The match of the second day of the League of Honor was played in the sports facilities of La Cartuja
The inaccuracy of Recoletas UBU Burgos collided with the success of the Andalusian team, which took advantage of the good movement of the oval to generate danger in the field of visit. However, it was Gualdinegro’s team that would close the gap with a penalty kick, now yes, changed by Carrió (7-3).
The joy would not last long for the people of Burgos, who saw how Seville weaved a step, with Luchi Molina’s good discharge of Dominguez’s disintegration and the strong path of Kirckwood, they found the shortcut to turn a new article for the real Ciencias (12-3).
Mathieu was right again on the kick and the lead was set at 11 points for Sevilla (14-3). It was then that the locals started showing off their best toys. Three minutes later, in the 27th minute, Mathieu expanded the advantage to fourteen goals (17-3) which began to make the match tough for Recoletas UBU.
A few seconds into the half-hour into the match, Alfonso Merat showed a yellow card to Valentin Bustos for doing an act of mistaking him for playing foul after a Sevilla player was hit in the head when used in defensive missions.
black and white reaction
With a steeper slope to climb to attempt a tie, the match might have seemed uneventful for the hosts. Nothing could be further from the truth.
With one drop on the green, an unusual break from behind by Federico Casteglioni created a rift in the Andalusian defence. And he didn’t lose it.
After a good run, he made the last tackle to get to the test area and put 17-8 on the scoreboard. Carrió added his kick to subtract two more points and reduce the difference to seven.
The protests of a disgruntled Sevilla team after conceding a net made the referee penalize the Lumien by ten meters in favor of Jose Garcia, who Carrillo put between the sticks to make it 17-13 in the electronics.
An unsuccessful attempt by Mathieu, who failed to punch an oval inside the H closed the first half with moments for both teams and tangible equality in La Cartuja park.
unbalanced expulsion
After going through the changing room, the match resumed with some rough first moments, with several players kneeling on the floor and being treated by the medical teams. In one of those combinations, the competition referee understood Masuyama’s action as aggression, which awarded the player from Burgos a red card.
With less, the balance in the game became a logical dominance of Sevilla against a Castilian team that continued to fight despite the notorious disadvantage of having a lower winger.
The balance soon began to shift in favor of the locals, who, through New Zealand giants Jodi Allen, finished a test that pushed Recoletas’ defense UPU Burgos rejected on two occasions.
Mathieu’s kick went between the sticks (24-13) and the Sevilla squad started running the match. In the 54th minute, Allen once again showed his physical strength to score again, and although Mathieu did not convert, he put a tough comeback 29-13 on the scoreboard.
José García’s men did not give up and continued the struggle, despite being braver than meticulous in their attacks. Penalty shots became the way to score with Carrió who put first 29-16 and then 29-19 in the count after missing another kick in between.
With the match approaching the final whistle, on the verge of regulation time, Axel Papa started from the side after a fine transition from side to side so that the locals slipped through the gap where Masuyama missed and transformed a new experience that closed the final 34-19.
All news from Burgos in Bergoskonecta

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