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The government announces a fund for the development of science and technology

The government announces a fund for the development of science and technology

For the first time in history, this fund will include funding for projects in the social sciences, humanities, and arts.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT) has announced the opening of the call for the National Fund for Innovation and Scientific and Technological Development (FONDOCYT) 2023, which will have a total investment of 33 million pesos.

For the first time in history, this fund will include funding for projects in the social sciences, humanities, and arts, said a press conference led by MESCyT President Franklin Garcia Firmin.

The call will be open from April 28 to June 30, 2023, and will focus on selecting projects that impact Dominican society at the local, provincial, and regional levels.

Innovation will be prioritized to provide solution and new uses for sargassum, food security and sovereignty, water care, reduction of new plastic uses, strengthening of the national higher education system, health and artificial intelligence.

Research projects in basic and applied sciences may opt for a maximum amount of RD 12,000,000 per project, while social sciences, humanities, and arts will opt for a maximum amount of RD 6,000,000.

The call will be open from April 28 to June 30, 2023, and will focus on selecting projects that impact Dominican society at the local, provincial, and regional levels.

Submissions of proposals that include the networks of researchers formed between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Research Centers will be able to reach a number of up to 10,000,000 RD.

President Luis Abinader announced an additional investment of $1 million to support new proposals in universities in coordination with the Ministry of Tourism, within the framework of research projects for Sargassum funded by the Fundisit in recent years.

FONDOCYT was established with the aim of developing and financing scientific and technological innovation, research activities, programs and projects, as well as establishing a system for the permanent promotion of national scientific and technological research.

The Agency of the Ministry of Science and Technology will develop workshops for those interested and the scientific community is expected to present their research through the FONDOCYT platform at the link: https://proyectosfondocytet.mescyt.gob.do.