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The giant moon will be seen two nights

The giant moon will be seen two nights

If you are one of those people who frequently watch the moon, you may notice that it appears slightly larger and somewhat brighter on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

The Astronomy Society of the Caribbean (SAC) explained that the moon’s orbit is not circular, but rather elliptical or slightly elliptical, so sometimes it is somewhat closer, and appears brighter.

He added that it is the largest and brightest full moon this year. Since perihelion or point closest to Earth almost coincides with its full phase, it is called Supermoon.

The educational entity said, “We can say that we will have two nights of Supermoon, since both Tuesday and Wednesday, it will be lit by more than 99 percent.”

SAC indicated that the moon will appear today Tuesday in the east and southeast and depending on the visible obstacles we have towards the horizon, we will be grateful from 6:20 PM to 7:00 PM, to be visible all the time. The night.

He said: “Since the moon begins to appear on Tuesday even in broad daylight, it is likely that some will see it more impressive when it actually rises at night on Wednesday, from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm.” The organization at the same time confirmed that it would be remarkable how the light reflected by the moon would illuminate our courtyards later on both nights.

A feature of this week’s giant moon is that during the sunrise on Wednesday, the moon will be relatively aligned “behind the Earth” with respect to the sun, which will lead to a total lunar eclipse in some areas of the planet.

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The eclipse is best seen from Hawaii and other regions of the Pacific Ocean, including Australia and New Zealand among others, while part of the eclipse will be visible at sunrise from the western region of the Americas.

“We’ve made it clear that the eclipse will not be visible from Puerto Rico, but we expect that next year, on the night of May 15, 2022, there will be a stunning total lunar eclipse from all over the island,” said Eddie Erizary. Vice President of SAC.

Meanwhile, we can appreciate Supermoon early tonight, and if the clouds don’t allow you to see it, remember that this time nature offers you a “rain check” for Wednesday tomorrow.