*They also introduced the “PI Teachers Network”, which will be the first of its kind in Mexico to train high school teachers in the fields of physics and mathematics.
Colonel Colima: On Friday, at the Pinacoteca University, the first Prize for Academic Excellence in Mathematics and Physics was awarded to students of the Faculty of Sciences, awarded by the Society of Friends of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Colima. The award will also bear the name of university professor and researcher Paolo Amore, in recognition of his efforts in scientific work and training new physicists and mathematicians.
In addition, they honored high school teachers who participated in the UdeC PI-Teachers program. The event was chaired by Cristian Jorge Torres Ortiz Zermeño, Dean of the University of Colima.
In his speech, Torres Ortiz Zermeño commented that the Faculty of Sciences “is an ecosystem inside and outside the University of Colima”, where the academic environment and scientific curiosity prevail. He also suggested taking the example of this campus to other university colleges, because it is distinguished by its active professors in the field of research, from different countries and states, and because its students receive full scholarships in the United States after graduation and European countries, in addition to winning scientific competitions every year. General, some international.
He added, 20 years after the establishment of this college: “The conditions are available for the College of Science to compete at the best level with institutions from any other part of the world. This achievement is not easy, which is why we must celebrate, appreciate and measure what this event means.
Finally, the University President stressed that the university’s great commitment is to enable the scientific and academic environment to breathe throughout all spaces of the institution. “This cannot be done by the university president alone, it must be a team effort, so I am very confident that we can do it; and as long as I have the honor of being president, they will get all the support to the fullest extent of the institution’s capabilities, so The project and other projects they create.”
Enrique Díaz, virtually from San Francisco, USA, delivered a message on behalf of the Society of Friends of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Colima, which aims to financially support graduates of the Faculty of Sciences and assist them in their university application processes. PhD programmes, payment of examinations or fees and transfers.
He stressed that all support is provided voluntarily by the group of people composed of graduates of the Mathematics and Physics programs of the University of Colima, as well as various collaborators.
He explained that the association was designed on the basis of students; “We start from the principle that wherever there are people who have the talent and skills to do science, what follows is to create spaces where they can develop them at the highest level.”
In this sense, they have established the Academic Excellence Award for Physics and Mathematics Students, which will be awarded annually to a final-year student in one of the degrees who has distinguished himself in his academic performance. The award consists of financial support of $2,500 that can be used to cover expenses associated with the application and transfer process to graduate school.
What is new about this award is that the winner is not known until the day it is announced. In this edition, both the young Ángel Bloneda Preciado and Dr. Paolo Amore were unaware of the central role they would play in this event.
“Those of us who make up this association have decided to offer a small tribute and sincere appreciation, for his quality as a scientist and his social commitment, to Dr. Paolo Amore, and this is what the Academic Excellence Award will be called,” said Enrique Díaz. bear.”
The person responsible for the honoree’s file was Cesare Terrero, who emphasized that “all of Paolo Amore’s works are characterized by the hallmark of theoretical precision and fascination with digital precision; “Faculty of Science professors are active and successful researchers because we consider this to be a basic requirement to ensure outstanding training for students.”
Terrero explained that this formula “has been implemented by the College during the twenty years following Paulo’s arrival. Its importance is supported by the results obtained, which show that the College has already achieved the goal of having the average quality of university institutions in First World countries.” “The Faculty of Science of the University of Colima leaves young people ready to take up excellent postgraduate courses all over the world.”
Carlos Alvarado, who was also present at the event virtually, but from New York, was responsible for giving the name of the winner, in this case, of the award in its first edition. It was seventh-semester student Angel Bloneda Preciado, for his outstanding academic career, who thanked him for the award, which clearly surprised him.
Dr. Paolo Amore, who also expressed his happiness, said he was very happy that this award bore his name; “I knew nothing; it was a surprise. It is an honor to be here at this college. For me, this is recognition of something I have done with pleasure, and I will continue to do the same.”
PI UdeC Teachers Network
As part of the actions implemented by the Faculty of Sciences, Campus Director María Elena Tejeda Yeomans spoke about the PI-Teachers Program at the University of Colima, which began taking shape a year ago with the Perimeter Institute (PI) from Canada. Later, the said institute and UdeC signed an agreement mainly aimed at training the coach to teach mathematics and science in secondary school.
He pointed out that the first phase “began immediately last September with the training of a team of secondary school teachers from UdeC at the Peripheral Institute. Upon their return, they replicated what they had learned in Canada with ten of their high school classmates.
These are Luis Alberto Cruz Márquez (BA 4), Liliana Martínez Venegas (BA 33), and Miriam Navarro Cobán (BA 2), who started Mexico’s first network of teacher trainers called “Red PI-Teachers UdeC,” which will prepare other fellows. Teaching in turn teaches students about the universe, quantum phenomena, matter, time and space.
The idea, as Tejeda Yeomans commented in an emotional intervention, “is to work on a train-the-trainer plan, so that we can eventually share new teaching strategies.” It was she who managed the approach with the Peripheral Institute during her stay Emmy Noether Fellow. PI, as it is known at the Perimeter Institute, focuses on research into frontier topics about the universe, matter, and quantum phenomena.
Before concluding his message, he affirmed the support of the University President and all those who were involved in one way or another in the project; “The support and advocacy they provide us at UdeC is crucial, because it allows us to imagine a future that goes beyond the content and time of the Convention. Working and influencing new teaching strategies across all secondary school disciplines and finding ways to generate critical thinking and citizenship in our community is undoubtedly the future we envision; If we focus on this, our faculty will be enriched by contributing significantly to generations of students, their families and their communities so that they can enjoy a better quality of life.
Finally, Alfredo Aranda, the tireless scientific promoter and publisher, pointed out that the priority of this faculty is to pay deep attention to the widespread problem at the educational level in our country, “for which we have implemented many actions and intervention projects.”
“Our interest is to contribute to the general level of the population that allows them to empower themselves and develop informed citizens,” he said, “and where we have seen that we can make a small impact is at the tertiary level, which is where our trench is, where we perhaps have the last opportunity to generate learning and share knowledge.” With a general sector of the population.
The University President was accompanied in the Presidency by Secretary General Joel Nino. Martha Alicia Magagna, General Teaching Coordinator; Xóchitl Trujillo, General Coordinator of Research and Martin Robles, General Director of Upper Secondary Education.

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