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The federal government has filed a lawsuit against Puerto Rico for fraud in the Ramon Orda case

The federal government has filed a lawsuit against Puerto Rico for fraud in the Ramon Orda case

The state government has filed a lawsuit against Governor Pierre Lucie Urrudia of the Department of Justice and the Department of Entertainment and Sports (DRT) for embezzling public funds during the administration of former Governor Alejandro Garcia Patila.

At the time, he was acting acting DRT secretary Ramon Orta RodriguezHe was sentenced earlier this year to six months in prison following a plea with the federal prosecutor’s office to avoid going to trial on corruption charges.

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He was initially arrested in June 2017. Through the corruption scheme Related to the Department of Education.

According to the lawsuit, DRT awarded $ 7 million in contracts from 2013 to 2015 to a company to train local educators with funding from the Federal Department of Education.

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However, the case also establishes that the agreement between the two companies precludes the subcontract awarded to Rosso.

Currently, the Federal Attorney’s Office in Puerto Rico is seeking $ 2.3 million in damages and a $ 23,331 civil fine.

At this time, the Governor and the Secretary of Justice, Domingo Emanuelle Hernandez, And Secretary of Entertainment and Sports, Ray Quinones, Did not respond to the lawsuit on his social media accounts.

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