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The family is claiming land for the National Palace

The family is claiming land for the National Palace

A new ingredient has been added to the story of s property National Palace GroundsRelated to its original owner and the way it went into the hands of the Dominican Empire in the early 20th century.

Executive Minister of the President, Beating Jose IgnacioOne area has no rights and the other has arranged to register the land of the Presidential Palace to obtain a firm certificate of title under the understanding that it was declared public use by dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo.

This has created dissatisfaction among Pedro Antonio Lluberes Saviñón’s grandchildren and great – grandchildren.Who donated the space to the government Year 1907 Now to create the University of Santo Tomas de Aquino, the autonomous university of Santo Domingo.

Carlos Lamarche and Rafaelina Lamarche, the great-grandchildren, and Lio Lamarche Lluberes, great-grandson, tell the story of how their family was randomly alienated from those lands for 115 years.

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Carlos Lamarch is the great-grandson of Pedro Antonio Lபெpez Savino. (Francis Arias)

They say when it started Pedro Antonio Lluberes Savio, The landlord, the founder of Gazcue, decided in 1907 to donate an area known as La Generalலாla to the government to relocate the University of Santo Tomas de Aquino. Lluberes Saviñón bought the property from Casimiro de Moya.

In one part of his estate, he set aside space to build the “La Aquitida” urbanization in memory of his wife, Aguada Rosa Savino Bona, with 14 houses for each of his children, where the Apostolic College is located today in Bolivar.

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The land donated to the state was called La Generalla because it was the farm of Joseph del Monte Picardo, widow of Juan Sanchez Ramirez, commander of the Battle of Palo Hingado since the early 1800s.

The university was never built on the site until the United States occupied the Dominican Republic and built a public customs collection building there. When the Americans left in 1924, the new president, Horacio Vasquez, moved the palace there.

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Former Public Customs Collection, converted into Government House from 1924 (Public Archive of the Nation)

Trujillo demolished the residence and built the current National Palace from 1943 to 1947. Lamarch argues that although Trujillo declared 43,000 square meters of public use by decree, out of a total of 70,000, the transaction to acquire it was never completed. No proof verification. Since the rest of the land is not in anyone’s name, the government is clearing it.

Descendants Pedro Antonio Lluberes Savio They claim that according to the Dominican Civil Code, the land was never used for the purpose for which the donation was made, in order to cancel the donation.

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Article 953 states: “The donation may not be revoked except in the case of inter vivo, ingratitude or non-compliance with the terms of the new offspring.”

Carlos Lamarch says he has a manuscript Pedro Antonio Lluberes Savio He demanded the government to withdraw it. He says his aunt, Altacracia Luprez Herrera, spoke with former President Joko Widodo about the issue, and he said, “Leave it at that.”

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In his 1997 book “El Palacio Nacional, 50 años de Historia y Arquitectura”, produced by the Presidency of Lionel Fernandez, he wrote: By building, set in them.

In this section, Lamarz points out that there was a mistake in making a donation to Felix Luperis, the father of Pedro Antonio.


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Pedro Antonio Lபெpez Savino’s great-grandson is Leo Lமார்march Lபெperes. (Francis Arias)

The family claims they have no property rights over the property since the Land Registration Act came into force in 1912, but has not been able to do so because they do not own it. That ..

However, they relied on the manuscript requesting the return of the land of Luperz Savinon, with the approval of the government, and a map of the city drawn by architect Enrique Ernesto Paras and surveyor Louis David Garcia Mella. In 1916 the owners of the lands of Santo Domingo are mentioned.

Do they ask that?

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Rafaelina Lamarch, the great-granddaughter of Pedro Antonio Luperz Savinon (Francis Arias)

All three relatives demand a goodwill to honor the memory of their ancestor and, at the very least, to put up a plaque in the palace with his name unreachable despite trying to talk to Balisa.

On the other hand, they have empowered surveyors and lawyers to take their case to court if necessary. They also talk about the possibility of doing so from the American justice system because that was the country that first occupied the land irregularly.

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They also intend to oppose the delimitation and reform process by the president.

The official answer

Merritt Torres Espinal, director of the technical division for government land leasing, explained the title of the government house. Free magazine In the process of restoration and delimitation, the opportunity has been opened for objections from persons whose rights have been violated but who have not heard anything about the demands of this family.

However, he pointed out that since “proof that you are the owner will be provided by a certificate”, everything will be subject to “they can prove it”.

However, it warns of the expiration of the deadline for claims after 115 years.

The titles are almost over

The title process carried out by Mérido Torres Espinal is over 90% improved. The ownerless 25,265.35 square meters have already been measured in the sanitary work and are in a state of failure as only the registration stage remains. For the remaining 37,342 square meters, the boundary has been demarcated, the measurement has already been made and there is no record. Finally, the two topics are linked together to obtain a valid certificate. Torres pointed out that the government does not have to spend money because the land is all “in the hands of the state”.

Journalist and writer graduated from USA with a degree in television journalism and various print media.