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The emotional self-care routine that the happiest people practice, according to Anabel Gonzalez

The emotional self-care routine that the happiest people practice, according to Anabel Gonzalez

he Emotional well-being It’s a very important part of our business Psychological health. According to him VI Self-Care Scale for the Spanish PopulationOnly a third Spanish people (36%) include Mind care And from Emotions As part of your Daily routine. This means that while we understand that Nutrition, hygiene or physical exercise are our self-care priorities, and the same does not happen with… Psychological health. Although we appreciate it more and more, it does not translate into routine procedures Emotional self-care TRUE. This means that we Spaniards give an importance of 3.7 out of 5 to this type of self-care, with… slim Who worries most about men. Marking World Mental Health DayWe suggest an emotional self-care strategy you can practice daily.

How do you talk to yourself when you feel bad? Emotional self-care routine

From the hand of the expert Psychiatrist Anabel Gonzalez We suggest incorporating it into your file Daily routine This self-care practice: Learn to talk to yourself. To do this, consider these ideas:

  • What do I tell myself when I feel bad? When you feel bad, you can tell yourself the things that make you feel bad I feel better Or I can make things happen the worstBlame you or insult you Internally or fighting with how you feel. You can say to yourself things like “I can’t handle it”, “I’m an idiot”, “I can’t do anything”, “It’s all my fault”, “I’ll never get over it”, “I’m worthless”. ..
  • Where did I learn to tell myself these things? Have there been people in my life who have said similar things to me? Where did I start telling myself this and why?
  • Did it help me when these people said things like that to me? “You are weak”, “It is all your fault”, “You are insufferable”, “You should not have been born”…
  • Would it help me now if people around me said things like that to me? “You shouldn’t have been born”, “You’re weak”, “You’re insufferable”, “It’s all your fault”…
  • If I have to A very dear person I feel the way I feel now, would I tell you the same thing I tell myself?
  • What would help me tell myself? If I want to be okay, what I tell myself should be more similar to what others would tell me or what I would say to someone I love would help me.
  • Try repeating these new phrasesphrases that help, and notice how they feel: “I can handle this situation,” “I do what I can,” “I can feel what I feel,” “I deserve to be good,” “I will find someone,” “A way to solve it,” “Everything happens”, “I can accept life as it comes”, “I can learn how to take care of myself”.
  • At first, it is natural that these new phrases seem strange and unfamiliar to me, but, By practicing every day, your brain will learn a new technique, A new way to talk to you. You will learn how to take care of yourself
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