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The Cuban regime does its best against those who do not study or work, and calls for their denunciation

The Cuban regime does its best against those who do not study or work, and calls for their denunciation

The Cuban regime will launch A Hurtful Against citizens who do not do so they are working They don’t even studyAnother scapegoat to avoid facing the current serious economic crisis and inflation, which has destroyed the value of the Cuban peso and made salaries insignificant.

“Today in Cuba, many people neither study nor work,” he said. Humberto LopezThe spokesman for the regime in his country TV program “Making Cuba” is dedicated to the topic. Without providing numbers to support the claim of the preacher and his guests They made a twisted interpretation of the Constitution of the Republic to try to provide a legal cover for what they proposed.

in the first place, Lesnay Medeiros TorresThe Prosecutor of the Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office in Havana emphasized that although the Constitution does not stipulate that work is compulsory, it “enables work as a primary source of income (…) When you don’t work, you become a burden.” For the community,” he added Having a job is a “moral obligation.”

For this part, Eliana Gomez GuerraJudge and President of the Supreme People’s Court, mixing the above with the repressive aspect that the regime seeks to reinforce. Thus, he commented that if a person who is not working or studying has “disorderly behaviour”, he can be controlled by the police authorities, who will order him to look for work or return to school.

“If this person repeatedly fails to comply with these measures and warnings, he or she may be at risk of committing an offense The crime of disobedience“This is what our penal code stipulates,” the official said expectantly. The legal mechanism that the system proposes to use against its citizens.

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Gómez Guerra herself confirmed that between January and April 2024, 97% of those accused of sedition were punished in Cuban courts, and only 3% of them were acquitted. He added that 67% of those found guilty were sentenced to prison, without mentioning the number of people he was referring to.

For his part, Colonel said Rogelio Luis LazoThe head of the Specialized Investigation and Operations Authority of the National Revolutionary Police stated that one of the ways to identify the people to whom the punitive campaign will be directed is: Learn about those who “do not legally justify personal income that guarantees economic solvencywhich also generates the tendency to commit crimes, violations, and social indiscipline.

He pointed out that these individuals “become persons of interest to the police based on their behavior and are subject to surveillance,” adding that Detecting such people represents not only the strength of the police force, but also the strength of so-called mass organizations.Formal structures are always used in acts of denunciation.

Lazo specifically called on Cubans to denounce their neighbors. He said that the police need “information from the person who practices these behaviors, and the people who disturb the order. Send this information to the head of the sector, the representative of the Communist Party, the Revolutionary Defense Committees, and the police.” Women’s Union of Cuba…

He pointed out that the authorities will preserve the identity of the complainant so that he is not exposed to retaliation in the neighborhood where he lives.

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The Cuban Penal Code provides for prison sentences of between six months and one year for the crime of sedition.Or a fine of one hundred to three hundred installments, or both penalties.

In the same month, the government of Santiago de Cuba announced a campaign to count the population of that province who are neither working nor studying.

In mid-January, the official Pueblo Force file announced that the ministry was holding preventive meetings with Cubans it considered “potential criminals” in order to “enhance” their “reflective capacity” by giving them “the possibility of changing and introducing themselves.” In the community”.

Photos of Cubans who have not been tried for any crime, but who were described by the authorities as being at risk of committing it, were displayed on the Facebook profile, which serves as an arm of the Ministry of the Interior and State Security on the aforementioned social network.