When the river flows… The Cuban Electricity Union (UNE) announced the maintenance of “important generating units” for November, hence the power outages.
said UNE technical director Lázaro Guerra Hernández Cubadipati Thanks to the work done on the national electrical system during the last weeks of October, residents were not affected by the shortage in generating capacity.
He added: “But it is expected that during the current month of November, several maintenance works will be carried out on important generating units, and thus damage may occur.”
Guerra Hernandez confirmed this On November 1, the CTE left Guiteras for scheduled maintenance For approximately 72 hours. then, It will be Felton’s turnwhich will perform actions Maintenance for ten days.
The specialist emphasized that to stabilize the SEN, “the government has allocated foreign currency to obtain basic resources” that will allow maintenance to be carried out on thermal and power units in the months of September, October and November.
In this regard, he stated that “during the months of September and October we had good coverage (except for times when there was a fuel shortage) thanks to the asynchrony of major maintenance works, as well as the effect of temperatures.”
Cuba: More power outages in November?
“In October and November, power outages of approximately four hours are expected every three days for each consumer,” the UNE director confirmed.
Likewise, he reported that “Machine No. 5 in Mariel, Machine 1 and 3 in Santa Cruz, and Machine 6 in Nuevitas are undergoing maintenance.” But he pointed out that these cases are “short-term measures that address the main problems in these units, while taking advantage of the resources available in the country.”
“We were able to detect major deficiencies in time and unexpected departures due to breakdowns were reduced,” he told the aforementioned media.
Once again, the leader of the Electricity Union stressed that “the hope is that we will reach December in better conditions based on the continued work in the thermal stations.”

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