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The College of Medicine and Health Sciences celebrates its fiftieth anniversary

The College of Medicine and Health Sciences celebrates its fiftieth anniversary

One distinction is made by Siciliano Franco (left). / today

Draw Badagos.

Yesterday the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Extremadura (UEx) celebrated its patron saint, San Lucas, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Centre.

Specifically, the Guadiana Room at Badajoz University Hospital hosted the patron saint celebration of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Work headed by Dean of the College, Francisco J. night won; Managing Director of Extremadura Health Service Siciliano Franco Rubio; Badajoz Mayor, Ignacio Gragera Barrera, and UEx Secretary General, Francisco Alvarez Arroyo.

The celebration began honoring the colleagues who completed their activity this year. In addition, the “Máximo Bartolomé” Awards, held by the UEx Center, were awarded, and the decision of the 5th Mobile Photography Competition was announced.

Attendees were able to enjoy during the event the conference presented by Dr. Francisco Bueno Larina, who also teaches in the UEx School of Medicine and Health Sciences. His conference, “A Challenge for the Twenty-first Century: Towards Global Health,” appealed to current medicine in its evolution toward the globalization of health.

After the act in Guadiana’s Room, attendees moved to the medical school’s central courtyard to witness the ceremony of adherence to Hippocratic values ​​for first-year students of medicine, physical therapy, and nursing degrees.

To celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, the College of Medicine holds a cycle of conferences in collaboration with the Provincial Council.