
On Friday, UNLPam’s Faculty of Humanities held this central event to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Dean Beatrice Cossio highlighted in her speech that Humanas “is emerging as an institution, with its own history and identity, that must rise to the challenges posed by new times”.
Cosio noted that Humanas began its activities in Santa Rosa and General Pico in 1971, becoming the third academic unit at the then Regional University of La Pampa.
The work was carried on by the salutations of Oscar Alba, who until days before had been rector of the university until he took the position of university policy secretary to the nation. Cossio and Vice-Dean Veronica Zucchini presented a gift to Veronica Moreno, the faculty’s professor and vice-chancellor in charge of the rector’s office.
There were also confessions by members of the academic community and previous authorities. One of the most emotional moments occurred when Maria Elena Burgos received an appreciation for her colleague, Alejandro Sokolovsky, the first dean to be elected with the return of democracy.
Teachers who were dismissed from their positions between 1975 and 1978 during the last dictatorship were also honored.
In addition, two reviewers were featured from the top student positions: Norma Durango, a graduate of Arts and current National Senator Norma Durango, and Jorge Gonzalez, a graduate of History.
The first graduates were also honoured; Non faculty members; Sergio Maluendres and Ana Rodríguez for management, extension, teaching and research assignments; to UNLPam College; and members of the organizing committee for the fiftieth anniversary celebrations.
Finally, the closing was responsible for the music and songs of Leon Gamba, Jonta Brava and Guillermina y los Planetas.

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