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The College of Economic and Commercial Sciences is organizing a conference on professional opportunities

The College of Economic and Commercial Sciences is organizing a conference on professional opportunities

They will take place on May 3 and 4 in Semester 1, the i-Lab and the College Hall where there will be dynamic sessions on applications for professional profiles, a job fair with twenty collaborating companies and entities and a workshop on recruitment.

The hall of the College of Economic and Commercial Sciences will host a professional opportunities conference tomorrow and Thursday with the development of activities focused on facilitating the path to the professional future of students of the various degrees that are taught in this academic center.

The inauguration will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, at 12:00 pm and will be attended by Brigadier General José Ángel Miguel Dávila and representatives of the different companies and institutions that have collaborated with the organization of this initiative. During the two days there will be presentation sessions for collaborating companies and entities, where they will dynamically explain what they do and what professional profiles they are looking for. These sessions will take place in Classroom 1 at 12:00.

At the same time, a “job fair” has been programmed, with pavilions in the college auditorium, where companies and collaborating entities will interact in an informal way with students, who will be able to discover more, leave them resumes, etc. The stands will be open during the two days that the conference lasts, at different times, depending on the availability of the organizations.

In order to carry out these activities, the cooperation and participation of the various participating companies and entities was vital, offering diverse professional profiles to the students and alumni of the various degrees taught in the college. Thus, the Dean’s Office appreciates the cooperation and presence of the Faculty of Economists of Lyon, Fisura Third Round, Grupo Hosteleón and the ARVA Hotels chain, Abanca, Iberaval, Grupo Sibuya, Decathlon, Be Call Group, Solucyl / Wolters Kluwer, Bankinter, Deloitte, Tax Agency, and the National Social Security Institute, the Taiko Touroperador, the Dayvo Sistemas, and the Marketing Club of Castilla y León.

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The sessions will be complemented by an Employment Workshop, which will be presented by staff from the Employment Area of ​​FGULEM and TalentÁrea, which will carry out three complementary activities to improve the employability of the participants. This workshop will start at 4:00 pm in the college’s i-Lab where they will talk about “LinkedIn as a job search tool”, “Currículum Vitae CV: Employment goal. Want to improve your CV? An effective CV with good examples and tips” (5:00 p.m.) and “Speed ​​Dating with Companies”. Do you want to make contacts with companies? Speed ​​meetings and presentations available (6:00 p.m.).

More information is available at: https://economicas.unileon.es/jornadas-de-salidas-profesionales/

(the picturesFirst: the hall of the Faculty of Economics, where the job fair will be held during two days. Second: an informational poster for the conference.


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