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The College of Communication Sciences at UASLP offers training and refresher courses – El Sol de San Luis

The College of Communication Sciences at UASLP offers training and refresher courses – El Sol de San Luis

As part of the Continuing Education Program, the UASLP College of Communication Sciences offers its graduates, communications, journalists, students and interested persons three courses – workshops: Investigative Journalism 2; information literacy laboratory for the use of the right to access public information; and audiovisual production for projection of video maps in public buildings, groups and interactions.

Course Workshop: Investigative Journalism 2, starting on May 5, will be taught by the journalist from Mexico City, Sandra Romandia, who has worked for several national media, such as Televisa, El Universal, La Silla Rota, a portal founder ” Opinión 51″ where more than 80 prominent journalists write, and she is currently a columnist for The Washington Post.

An information literacy lab for using the right to access public information that begins on Saturday, April 22, will be taught by Mtro. Samuel Bonilla Núñez, University Professor with over 30 years of experience in the administration of transparency and the right to information, and representative of Transparencia para todos.

AND COURSE WORKSHOP: Maestro Miguel Angel Rivera, expert on several video mapping projects in San Luis Potosi, State, will teach audiovisual production of video mapping projection on public buildings, clusters and interactions, beginning May 11. several European countries.

For more information, call the phone numbers 4448261490 ext. 8145 or the phone number 4448564580. Or write to the e-mail: [email protected]